Tag Archive for: Transform

How to Shear Objects and Shapes within the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 7)

Next up on our Basic Transform series we will be looking at the Shear feature and its options. When it comes to the freehand Shearing it is pretty straight forward, it just gets a bit more tricky when using the DesignCentral instead. This…

The Mirror Transformation Feature within the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 6)

Now when it comes to the Mirror Feature within FlexiPRINT, it is very similar to most other mirror feature but with more control. Mirroring of Objects and Designs are one of those features that without it you cannot get the same result…

The Deskew Transformation Feature within the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 5)

Now when it comes to the Transformation features and tool, the Deskew tool in not something you see very often. That being said it is however a very welcome tool, and useful when looking at realigning objects and shapes. This…

The Move Transformation Feature within the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 4)

Now at first this features importance might be overlooked but if this one feature was removed, design layout could be close to impossible. When it comes to the Move transformation there are two main ways to go about it, the one is…

Transformation Scaling and Resizing within the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 3)

Once again, another classic but very important transformation feature that we will be looking at. When it comes to the Scaling and Resizing of objects, we are able to define an exact scale for design requirements. This video…

Object Rotation Transformation within the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 2)

Next up on our Transformation list we will be looking at the Rotation feature and its options. When it comes to the Rotation Transformation feature, there are two main approaches that we are able to take. This video is part…

Duplicate Transformation Feature within the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 1)

When it comes to our Basic Transformations, the first one we'll be looking at is the Duplicate feature. The great thing with using the Duplicate feature, is that it will save you lots of time on not having to do recreations. This…

TruCUT RDWorks Mirroring Objects and Shapes (Part 6) Transforming Shapes Mini-Series

The Mirror feature is great when you are looking at working with more Symmetrical type designs. When it comes to this feature you will notice that you get two different types of Mirroring, one for horizontal and another for vertical. This…

TruCUT RDWorks Scaling your Objects Via Ratios (Part 5) Transforming Shapes Mini-Series

When you are transforming things via Ratios, you can also view it more as percentage values. Like with normal scaling, the Ratio scaling feature allows you to lock the X and Y values together for a more uniform transformation. This…

TruCUT RDWorks Skewing Objects and Shapes (Part 4) Transforming Shapes Mini-Series

The Skewing feature is great if you would like to put a bit of slant to your shapes and objects. This also works well when you are working with a font that does not have an italic option available. This video is part of a Mini-Series.Next…

TruCUT RDWorks Transforming the Scale of Shapes (Part 3) Transforming Shapes Mini-Series

Being able to scale objects and shapes is one of those must have tools when Transforming Shapes. Like with the Location and Rotation Transform features, the Scale transform feature also has the ability to do more freehand methods…

TruCUT RDWorks Rotating Objects and Shapes (Part 2) Transforming Shapes Mini-Series

When it comes to transforming a shape or object by changing the Rotation, there's different approaches. From these approaches available, the first method has a more freehand way and the second is for when you working with exact amounts. This…

TruCUT RDWorks change the Location of Shapes (Part 1) Transforming Shapes Mini-Series

When it comes to all the different Transform tools available, the Location is probably a good place to start. Setting the location, you will notice that there are quite a few ways to go about that depending on if you want to go precise…

TruCUT RDWorks (Mini-Series) About Transforming Shapes, Video Index about this Feature

This is an index covering a mini-series of videos on how to go about Transforming your shapes and objects.Index Below. When it comes to Transforming Shapes and objects, unlike most other programs TruCUT RDWorks has quite a number of…

VinylCut 5 Transforming Shapes with Basic and Advanced Handles, Step by Step Video

The default shapes is only that useful before one needs to transform them in some sort of other form. With the basic and advanced transform handles one will be able to do the basic scale, rotate and move,to the advanced skewing, constraining…