The Deskew Transformation Feature within the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 5)
flexiprint deskew transformation
Now when it comes to the Transformation features and tool, the Deskew tool in not something you see very often.
That being said it is however a very welcome tool, and useful when looking at realigning objects and shapes.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Mirror.
Previous video covered Moving.
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Video Transcript
Alright, guys, In today's video, we're gonna be looking at the DQ feature with in flexi print. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on co dot Z A. We make short and easy to watch problem solving videos and we also have daily updates. Now, if we get into the programme here, so the DQ or DQ feature can be quite handy. You can either use it to kind of, um realign objects kind of desk them, or you can actually use it on purpose to make a new line with a skewed object. So what I'm gonna do is just create a rectangle so we can kind of see the difference. And then M maybe scales up a little bit, Uh, for the sake of the video, OK, now, so to use this feature, it is important that you need to have something selected. So whatever selected, you're gonna be de skewing. If you don't have anything selected, the feature won't be available. So what I'm gonna do is I selected the rectangle here, then under our main menu on top. Let me just quickly, uh, zoom in here fix that. I'm gonna go to a range, and then we're gonna go down till we find an option called the Skew. Then under that, there will be a pop up menu or a drop. I don't know what this side drop menu in any case. So then we've got two options on the day horizontal and vertical. So you can obviously do it on the horizontal line and vertical line, or align it to the horizontal or vertical. For now, we're gonna use horizontal. But before that, let's just quickly skew this thing. So I'm gonna throw a bit of a rotation just so you can get an idea of how it works. So now let's say I wanna align this line to the horizontal. Then I can do with the shape selected go main menu, arrange these skew horizontal, and then the tool will be open. Now, um, to use it, we're gonna left click, hold in and drag. And then it will make a form of guide for us. So, uh, let me zoom here so you can kind of just see what the guide looks like. So if I click here at point, a move to point B and see, it's got this red little guideline. Now, this line, if you, uh it is important to try to get it as accurate to this or parallel to this line or the line you're trying to align it with as possible. And then so what I'm gonna do, zoom out here, drag my other point past the shape and just make sure the spacing is equal along that line. And when I let go of my left click, it will align that shape. I don't quite get it, but, uh, you kind of get an idea. So let's undo We could look at Hori horizontal. So now let's say or vertical, you could do vertical as well. Now, with vertical, I can go. Same thing. Arrange D skew go vertical. Now I can do I'm gonna use exactly the same line. But now when I release, you'll say this is gonna align it to our vertical axis like so, so pretty handy You can choose whichever one you can. Obviously, if I had to, for instance, let's say I go arrange DS Q and which is horizontal. But I wanna have the same layout as a vertical I just do this angle. So if I do this angle, it's gonna align that and go horizontally kind of get the I don't know if you kind of get the idea there. Definitely play with it. It is something getting used to, but the beauty of this feature is, let's say I wanna align this point and that point on a horizontal or vertical angle. Then, with that selected, I go arrange DS Q horizontal. Then I select that point. Drag it to the other point, and when I release it, will align those two points on a horizontal axis. So, like that, it becomes very handy to quickly get a nice alignment. Obviously, you might not be working with a rectangle. It could be a normal design. Maybe you're trying to realign it or make it fit more without another design. You could always use this feature to quickly do that. So just a simple recap, so it's located under your main menu on top. Arrange D skew and make sure you have a object selected that you want to ds kw in order for it to work. But yeah, otherwise, in the meanwhile, if we head gear to co dot Z A. Uh, you will notice we make a variety of different software, or at least videos for it. And then you can also isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not, however, find your training video or the video you're looking for, just simply go here on the left, request the training video, fill in the mini form, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and just