Different Print Setup Options when Using PrintUP Software (Mini-Series) Video Index
Channel Letter G-Code Generator
This is an index covering a mini-series of video about the Print Setup Feature.Index Below.
When it comes to PrintUP the software, the Print Setup will give you the ability to do some rather great fine tuning.
PART 1 - Recommended…

Using and Setting the Layering Feature Within PrintUP Software (Mini-Series) Video Index
Channel Letter G-Code Generator
This is an index covering a mini-series video about the Layering feature.Index Below.
When it comes to the layering feature within PriniUP software, we have a few different options to look at.
PART 1 - Layer Process

Finalizing Your Channel Letter Designs Using PrintUP Software (Mini-Series) Video Index
Channel Letter G-Code Generator
This is an index covering a mini-series of videos about the finalizing tools.Index Below.
When you are working on 3d channel letter designs, there are a few useful tools to use in order to finalize your designs.
PART 1 - Slice…

Grid and Step Characteristics Within the PrintUP Software (Mini-Series) Video Index
Channel Letter G-Code Generator
This is an index covering a mini-series of videos about the Channel Letter Characteristics.Index Below.
When it comes to the Characteristic features that comes with PrintUP, these will help aid you with your designs.
PART 1 -…

Looking at the Layout and 3D Navigation Within the PrintUP Software (Mini-Series) Video Index
Channel Letter G-Code Generator
This is an index covering a mini-series of videos about Navigating PrintUP.Index Below.
When it comes to navigating the PrintUP software, there are two main part to the program, the User Interface and 3d Viewport.
PART 1 - Layout…

Different Methods to Adding 3D Models Within PrintUP Software (Mini-Series) Video Index
Channel Letter G-Code Generator
This is an index covering a mini-series of Videos about the different ways to add 3d models to your project.Index Below.
When it comes to the different ways of adding 3d deigns to your project, we have very simple ways to more advanced…

Getting Started with Downloading and Running of PrintUP Software (Mini-Series) Video Index
Channel Letter G-Code Generator
This is an index covering a mini-series of videos about getting the PrintUP software downloaded and running.Index Below.
In this Mini-Series we will be looking at a few different steps to get PrintUP on your computer and running.