FabriCAM Software Practical; Opposite Nesting (Part 15) Step by Step Video Tutorial
fabricam practical opposite nesting
Now when it comes to workflows and layouts, the need might arise to have to do an opposite layout Nesting.
This method of nesting could also be achieved with Manual placements, but will take a bit longer.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Practical; Nesting with Rotation.
Previous video covered Practical; Horizontal Nesting.
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Video Transcript
Mm. Alright, guys, today's video is gonna be another practical example that we're gonna be using for nesting, and this will be for nesting your parts or shapes on the opposite side of the default value. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. We make sure an easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise, we're back into the programme here now, like I mentioned, it's gonna be a practical example. So we're not gonna go into too much depth of what the settings do. Hopefully, by now, you should have a good understanding of it saying that we've covered most of them already. So what we're gonna do is I'm just gonna go a new sheet like a 2000 by 1000 beam diameter, and then I'm gonna add a basic part here. So I'm gonna go flat part, make this 200 by 100 just direct angle, and then once again, important, set the quantity. Next thing, I'm gonna say this to nine. Say add, and then we're gonna go to nesting itself in order to get this on our actual sheet. Now, this could be different shapes and so forth. And what could, um, why, you might want to use this workflows. Perhaps you wanna nest everything on one side and then use this for another manual placement, or you want your off cut open on the site? Perhaps depending on if you're material, your materials face is different to the backside. Then you might want to use the word for like this, But But if I'm going to kick start, you just to make sure everything's in order, then, uh, as you guys can see, I have already done this. So by default, what's gonna be happening? I'll just set it back to default. We've got everything nesting here on the left nicely. We've got, uh, nine. Um, are here. Then what you want to do is go to configuration, and then what you wanna do is adjust the spacing from number one. So if I go, yeah, we've got number one. So we want to space the ex spacing. If this was maybe on if we had everything at the bottom, we wanted on top, then what we'll do is we'll set the why of number one. So in general you want If you want to do it on the opposite side, you won't easily have to set number two, because that is the opposite side. Unless you wanted extra spacing on that side. But in general, youll be playing with number one, which is on top here, and they set the spacing relevant. Now we know our size of our actual sheet, which is 2000 by 1000, so you can calculate it quite precisely. But I'm just gonna kind of wing it. So if we go over here, I'm gonna go to the ex. Um uh, begin, X. So this is for number one years on the explain. Then I'm gonna set this one to about 1000 700 I'm gonna have a little bit of spacing that I think is 200 wide can actually go applying. Okay, it's preview it, and then you can see there. We've got our nine parts on the right. Like I said, if you know your exact dimensions, you can just fine tune this getting even closer. If you don't want any waste each on your off cuts. But Yeah, otherwise that is on the practical. Just a quick recap again. So basically, what you wanna do is, uh, just under configuration. After you've added your parts, you want to adjust and make sure you set the X or Y on number one and not number two to the relevant size, depending on your shape. But yeah, otherwise, that is on the video. If we head here to softwaretraining.co.za z, you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search on the top of right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward, just simply go Yeah, requested training, video filling in uniform. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers