Alright, guys, In today's video, we're gonna be looking at replacing the K from C MA Y k with a fake K and this will be within coral draw. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on We make short and easy to watch problem solving videos and we also have daily updates in the words we're back into the programme yet now, in uh, today's video, I've changed the image previous image we use in the previous uh uh, video was a little bit dark. So at the end, everything got very muddy where this technique was spaced with once where you've got a nice contrast. So as we can clearly see the black to find you Now what I'm gonna do is with the image I'm gonna select it and then we wanna set its mode. So now we've currently got I got the channels here so we can see it's r GB. I click on red. It's red, green and blue and click on the top one is all of them together. So now what I'm gonna do is with the image selected. I wanna go to our actual, um, image. So I'm gonna just zoom in here so you guys can see a bit better. So we've got image and then we wanna go down. Let's move that out the way. So image we go down and then we find the one it says Convert to C M Y K 32 bit. Now, if you look on the right there Once I click this, you'll see it goes from R GB to C. M Y K. Now we can isolate the cyan, magenta, yellow and black, which is pretty handy. I'm just gonna go back to the top. So now with this actual image, we can remove the black. So I'm gonna select here. Should I say the Black Channel and I'll simply just press delete, I will delete it. And then I want to click back on the C M Y channels on top so we can see all of them. Then I wanna go to my object manager, and then currently we only have the one layer, which is this one. So I'm going to duplicate it so I can either with it selected hit control D or go right Click duplicate. Now, with the top one selected, I want to do a few adjustments to it so that we can turn that into our new black. So the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to the actual adjust now I'm gonna go saturation. I know there's AD saturate, but I find if I use that, it brings k back into my image. So I'm just gonna go u saturation and lightness shortcut for those control shift U Then with master selected, I'm gonna go on the saturation. And then what I wanna do is I wanna drag the slide all the way to the left. So it's gonna be no more colour. Say OK And we can currently see, every year there's no more saturation. Now, what I wanna do is just sharpen this up a bit so that, um, the final image is a bit more clear and easy to read. I'm gonna go back to adjust, and then we're gonna go to tone curve And then, like in the previous mini series, I'm just gonna adjust this until we have a nice contrast between the white and the black as you can see over there. Now you can play around until you find something that really works for you. But I'm just gonna adjust it to this. Say, OK, then. The next thing I want to do is I want to adjust this to a multiplier layer. So we go with our layer selected, go to the mode, click that and then we go down to we find Multiply. Now, if I use a little eye, we can take it away and put it back. You can see we're already getting some nice contrast. Now I'm going to duplicate this. I do like it because it brings a little bit more clarity to the final image. There we go, then, Um yeah, Let now we've got our image with some nice contrast if I go to the colour picker So let's just find that hover over these dark places we can see over there. The K has zero, so there is zero K, but yet we have a colour which looks dark. You can see it here, but yeah, so we've got zero k, which is pretty handy, but yeah, before we head over to the actual, um, exporting and the options we have there. We head here to You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on the top. Left or top. Right? Sorry. You can isolate your search. And then, um but if you're looking for videos or more videos, you can always go. Yeah, request a training video, fill in the mini form of what you're looking for, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers. 11:46:052025-01-11 17:43:36CorelDraw Software Replacing the Image K with Fake K (Part 2) Step by Step Video Tutorial