Using Different Keyboard Shortcuts within the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 2)

flexiprint different keyboard shortcuts
When it comes to Keyboard Shortcuts (Hotkeys), these will really speed up your workflow when used.
That being said, you are still able to operate the program without having to use any of these.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Panels.
Previous video covered Viewport.
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Video Transcript
Alright, guys, In today's video, we're gonna be looking at some hot keys with flexi print. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on co dot Z A. We make sure and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Now if we head into the programme here, Yeah, so there's a few important ones. I would say it. It is essential to know. So there's a lot of hard keys, but a few of them, um it's very important. So I'm gonna show you those ones more in depth. But then also just how to navigate most things with hard keys. So in order to use hard keys, obviously you first wanna know, Um, what or should I say where to find them and what they do or what they are? So in order to do that, there's two ways we can go about it. The one way is if we hover on most icons, it will tell us the hot key so we can see a text tool in and then in closing brackets open and close. We've got the T. So if I had to press. Uh, T uh, let's escape the T you'll see now the switch to our text tool and then this one for it will say a So if I press a you can see it goes to our selection tool. Now, this works the same on our primary toolbar as well. Well, our main toolbar for half a year, we can see OK, they are full, um, stroke full and stroke editor I So if I press I it will toggle that one on and off. Now, if we go into our main menu on top here. So any one of these files and we hover next to whatever we're on, we can see there. There's the shortcut keys. So that's another way that's handy. And then, um, yeah, there's, uh, another advanced way, which is navigating all these menus with hot keys. So what I can do is I If I keep Bolt in, I'm just gonna zoom in here for you guys, so you can nicely see, you will see it highlights little lines under letters, so this will be to access these letters. So let's say we go to files. So we've got alt and then If we press F, it will open our file menu Now within our file menu, you can see here we've got some more highlighted So if we wanna close it or we see saver we import export and so forth So let's just try export quick. So I'm gonna click off here and zoom out and we can see So if I go alt FX OK, this is obviously the wrong one. Let's make sure, OK, it was, uh, EXX to close the programme so a TFE then it opens our export dialogue so you can see if you can get comfortable with this. You can motor through this programme. It will definitely set you apart from the amateurs and then it will seem like you really know what you're doing even if you just hit random shortcuts. But in any case, so that is another way you can go about it. But now if we look at the key shortcuts, these are normally ones that is universal throughout a lot of programmes and you'll be using them 90% of the time. It really makes your life simple. And it's not just to look fancy. So now I'm just gonna quickly show you the main ones. We're gonna go through the menus. You can access some of the shortcuts you have on these icons. But let's just go through the menus and I'll only cover the important ones. So under file are most important, As you could have guessed, it is safe. So the control S for that the shortcut. And this is one you're gonna be using all the time. At least you should be. If you don't wanna lose work. It's a few other noteworthy ones, but we're not gonna cover them now then the next one we want to look at is our edit menu. I zoom in here our second most important when it comes to or second to the save will be our undo button. So undo and, uh, argument. Uh, you know, you could say redo as well, but, um, redo. You use way less often than undo. So undo for that is control Z or control Z. Most of you might know this one already and then control Y to redo. So obviously, if I have, let's say a shape I've moved it. I wanna undo it. I just hit control Z and I'll redo that or, uh, undo that for us. So that is a very handy one. Now, under the same menu edit, We've got our next important one, which will save you a lot of time if you get used to it. That is these three or should I say the next three? So we've got cut, which is control X. We've got copy control C and paste control. V now control C Control. V is probably gonna use more often than cutting. But it is good to know what cutting is as well. And like I said, these ones are universal through programme. So if you get comfortable here, chances are you'll be able to use it in other programmes as well. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna select this. I'm gonna go to control C to put it in my clipboard and control V, and it's gonna ask me where do I wanna paste this? Now I can simply click control V again because it's still in my clipboard and just make copies Now obviously, if I want to remove something and put it somewhere else, I can go control X. Try that again. Control X and then control V and place it over there. So also very handy. Um, a little tool bars to use now, the last one on our list which, um, you know, it is optional to get used to it. But trust me, it will save you a lot of time if you get used to it. And that is how to arrange objects. So I'm just gonna throw some random colours just as more obvious which ones are in front and which ones are at the back. So now I've got these shapes overlapping each other. Some is in front, some is at the back. Now, the order of these objects can be very important, depending on the, uh, design outcome and also many times the philtres and stuff you wanna apply. So now if I go to arrange, we can zoom again, arrange then when we're gonna go to, um, order and then on the right here on the order, we can see we've got a few options. So we've got two front two back. What this will do is we'll throw whatever selected all the way to the front, on top of everything else and two back will do the opposite. Throw it all the way to the back behind everything else. Then we've got forward one forward back, and this obviously will rise at one layer at a time or drop at one layer at a time. So now let's go back to this. Let's say this pink layer. Clearly, this is behind everything. Let's say we wanna put it on top of perhaps just the blue. Then what I can do. We saw it was control for, uh, moving one layer. So control page up and page down. So on your keyboard, on top of your arrow keys, you might notice there's a page up and page down. You can also find it on your NUM lock by number nine for page up and number three for page down. Now, if these don't work, you might have to enable numb lock by pressing the numb lock button. And then you can use that. But let's try that, so I'm gonna go control page up as you can see it, move that one up, control page down and move the one down. So that's a nice way. And now let's say I wanna use the same shape and put it on top of everything. Then I just use shift. So shift page up throws it on top of everything, shift page down behind everything. So very handy shortcut this to get used to And, uh, and to get comfortable with now, I do encourage you to go through some of these other ones. You might be an operator here that you use often. Then it's worthwhile learning the shortcut key. But in general, those are the main ones. So you wanna learn saving, undo, redo, copy paste, OK, cut as well and then reordering objects. But yeah, otherwise that is it. On our main hot keys in the meanwhile, though, if we head here to co dot Z a you guys will notice We've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover and you can also isolate your search here on the top or right, If you do not however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go here, request the training video, fill in the mini form, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers