Ways on Navigating the Viewport within the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 1)

flexiprint navigating viewport
When it comes to the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and its operations, Understanding the Viewport is very important.
This is the place where you will be spending most of your time when designing, so being comfortable with it will save you loads of time.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Hotkeys.
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Video Transcript
Hi guys. In today's video, we're gonna be looking at navigating a viewport with in flexi print. But before that, let's have a quick intro first, so today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. co dot Z A. We make sure we need to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates now if we went into the programme here. So when it comes to navigating the viewpoint, there is, uh, two main operators we'll be using. So they'll be zooming and panning then to use these operators. There's also two ways we can go about it, the more basic way and the advanced way. So the basic way we'll be using a secondary tool by here and the tools located on there now advanced ways We'll be combining some hot keys with our mouse and navigating straight from here without having to select any tools. Now, I would recommend you get used to the second way if you can, because it's never gonna speed up your workflow in the long run. But that being said, you can do all of that with this toolbar. So now when it comes to these two tools, I'm gonna start with our secondary toolbar. It's a good starting point, so there's a lot of zoom tools, as you can see, but the ones we're gonna be looking at and it's most important, in my opinion, is this top zoom tool with a little, uh, square icon on the zoom and then the little page with a magnifying glass. Now what that's gonna do, we first look at the top one. So this one, if I select it and I go on my page, you will see I get a little magnifying glass with a plus. Now, if I simply click, it will zoom in. And if I keep control, I just set these settings. And then if I keep control and click, it will zoom out for us. So zoom in to control. Zoom out. Now, keep in mind. This will zoom wherever your mouse is pointed. So if I'm pointing at that little period and I click, it will zoom to that period so likewise with a zoom out, you can choose where to zoom out. Now let's say you are zoomed in way too close. You work on something, and then maybe you get a bit lost. Then that's where the second icon comes in handy. So if we zoom here to that, we can see that the one If I click this, it's gonna send our page to the viewport. So as you can see, here's our page With this black line, it's gonna centre to our viewport so we can quickly get a nice overview or, uh, fix our zoom. So that's actual zooming. Next thing we've got panning so panning is here at the bottom. I'm going to click that. And now if I click on our viewport anywhere we can pan around, uh, I'm gonna click Zoom, let's say we zoom in working up nice and close, Then I'll click this hand move around and then you can see and go to the, uh, correct location. If you wanna change it. Also another tip to pan with a hot key you'll be using space bar, and then it will switch it to your and two. Now, uh, I like setting my default settings for these. So if you double click the icon for the zoom, I said it to, uh, not resumed previous tool after zooming, because otherwise what happens is if this is on I click Zoom, then it should by default, go back to my selection tool. It can be quite annoying at times because then you have to air time. Go select your zoom tool. So this one I like to keep that off. And then when it comes to my actual pan tool, I again like to keep this one on. So if I select the pan, I pan around, OK, let's just try that again. I select the pan pan around, then I'll switch it back because I like to keep in my space bar pan around, leave it, carry on, working as you can see like so But yes, in any case, that is it on our secondary toolbar. Very handy. But, uh, now we're gonna be looking at navigating without mouse and hot keys. So now to zoom in, all we wanna do is keep control in. Then we use our wheel on our mouse and we wheel forward to zoom in. We can roll like so and then if you keep control stall and you zoom out and you scroll down so one will be zooming in. One will be zooming out very handy. This and then if you wanna pan around, obviously you can use uh, like we showed before. You can keep space bar in and left, click and drag, or the other option is we can simply use a mouse wheel without using any hot keys with it. If we mouse will up and down, it will go up and down for us. And then if we actually keep, uh, shifting, it will go left and right. So that way, if I've I'm zooming in here, I can easily, quickly go to the right place. Adjust it just by using my mouse without switching to any of these, uh, functions so very handy. The only one you will still probably use is the zoom to or send it to page and then click that when you wanna have a nice overview of your design. But yeah, otherwise that is it. On navigating our viewport very handy. Just a quick recap. So we've got a secondary toolbar with these, uh, three icons or tools that we were using. Mostly, is the normal zoom also, something I didn't add on this normal zoom. If you have that selected, you can left click and drag a selection box and then whatever. When you let go, whatever was in that box, it will send that to your zoom. But yeah, so carry on with the recap. So that's the one way the other way is we can use our mouse with, uh, control to zoom in and out. Or if we use just a normal wheel, we'll pan up and down and keep shift while we're panning left and right. But yeah, in the meanwhile, if we head here to softwaretraining.co.za. co dot ZAN Gaza Motors. We've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search on the top or right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for. Just simply go here on the left to request a training video, and then we'll F uh, should I say and then fill in the uniform and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers