other guys in today's video, we're gonna be looking at exporting your print job report as a XLs far. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za z. We make sure an easy to watch problem solving videos. We also have daily updates. Otherwise, we're back into the programme here. Now, we're gonna be looking today at our fourth export option. So I'm just gonna go here to print. I'm gonna leave all my details the same, and then we move over here to the export button. Now I'm gonna call this Excel is and selected from our drop down. Just make sure you do that. Otherwise you're gonna be selecting RPT by default. I'm going to select that now. As you guys can see, we've got two different options here for the XLs. We've got one at, uh, just the normal XLs, and then we've got excited. We just data only now they are very similar to me in many ways, depending obviously what you're exporting. But I'm just gonna keep it on the normal XLs file Now. This is obviously native to Microsoft Excel So this is a great one. If you wanted to make some changes Or perhaps let's say your client is working only in, uh, form of excel. So I'm gonna say this. Say okay. And then let's head over to the sample. Quick, Let's just go here. And then we grabbed the X l s. Now, this is also a older version. You can say of your file format. As we can see, Uh, it's gonna zoom in. We've got a little bit of description. So here we've got Microsoft Excel 97 to 2003 worksheet. So basically the ex, I think stands for Excel and then, uh, X l stands for exile and then the A stands for worksheet, but correctly, I'll correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that's what it stands for. But in any case, so let's open this. I'm gonna double click it, start our, uh, excel. And as we can see over here, we've got the nice little images, got the information at the bottom part numbers and the information, and it's pretty much like a pdf with the exception that you can obviously change all these values if you wanted to. So this is great if you want to do some custom things and you can't do that and then if I quickly jump, you're back into the programme. Let's try this export again. Now we are We are at the right place. I'm gonna see my format quickly to the data only so you guys can see the difference. I'm gonna centre back yard, Uh, only and then we say save complete. Now let's quickly head to our folder again. Now let's open this one. As we can see already with the file size here, it is a huge difference. So let's go open this one and then we can see now it's only the actual data. So if you're going more technical, you can always just send the person this one. It doesn't take much space, and they can kind of decipher what's happening. But you know, in my opinion, once again, it's always nice having some form of visual aid. If, uh if you need it, obviously if let's say the programme you're gonna send it in the programme is just gonna interpret, it's no need for this. But if a client is gonna be seeing it, then This is a good one. But this one, You know, unless the client wants to make changes, I would say you once again sent a pdf rather and yeah, if you want to make changes first, you always open this, make some changes and then export as a pdf. So that is also a possibility, but yeah. Otherwise, if we head here to softwaretraining.co.za z, you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on top of right. If you do not, however, find the training videos are looking forward to somebody. Go, Yeah, request the training video filling the mini form. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and, uh
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