FabriCAM Software CAD Location Identifier Panel (Part 4) Step by Step Video Tutorial
fabricam cad location identifier
Now when it comes to the CAD Location Identifier Panel, it is in many ways part of the Information Identifier Panel but on the other side.
We have covered the Location Identifier on another video before, but did not use it that much as we will with the CAD feature.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Mouse Navigation.
Previous video covered Information Identifier.
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Video Transcript
All right, guys, in today's video, we're gonna be looking at how to identify our location. Then this will be for our cat feature. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. We make sure that easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Now if we head into the programme here. So in the previous video, we looked at our information identify, which are the sort of bottom left. And today we're gonna be looking at the location, identify which is in the bottom right here. So I'm going to zoom into and come and see what's happening here. You can see we've got a little X and Y position with some numbers. Now, this will be relevant to your mouse cursor where that is on the canvas or the three d space. This will update. Obviously, X means horizontal and why it means vertical. So excess left and right. Why, it's up and down. So let's say we wanted to create a little rectangle here or square. I'm gonna go with 200 by 200. Say okay, then just places you on the canvas over a year. Now, let's say I wanted to add another one right next to this with maybe like a two centimetre gap between. Now that can be rather confusing. If you're not sure about the dimensions, let's say, uh, this is not a straight 200. I made it simple. Then you have to calculate all that. What you can do is if I go to my mouth over the canvas here, it updates at the bottom. It's a bit hard to see, so I'll try to zoom and see if we can get a bit of a reading happening. Okay, now, as soon as I go here, it freeze it on the last one we're at. But as you can see, they're kind of it's moving, so this will be relevant to your mouse cursor. So now, um, one thing, too, that I should add, which is important. This will be relevant to your origin. So I have on my shape, set the origin to the bottom left and not the centre. So keep that in mind. Otherwise, you have to adjust it according to your origin centre. But now I have adjusted that. So now what I can do is I can take my mouth and I can look over here on the bottom, left on the X, and I'm gonna see. Okay, this is about 2.2 or 202 millimetres. So I have a good idea of where I want this cube. You can adjust this till I find what I like, but I'm gonna go to 02. Then what I can do is I click on rectangle again. Go on with. So I'm gonna adjust the size of this or 200 by 200. Make sure. Like I said, my origin over here on top is set to a lower left, not to centre, and then I'm gonna say okay. And then once again, I'm gonna go to single position, click on the canvas. And this is where this information on the bottom becomes irrelevant. So now I'm gonna adjust the X, which we know is on a horizontal plane. Gonna just this 1 to 202 the bottom one. I'm gonna leave the same because I wanted to be the same height, which is, um, why zero. So we say Okay, now, as you can see, there we go. We've got our two cubes right next to each other or to square shows. They and we can do that type of alignment using our mouse cursor as well. So it's a very handy little feature, very underrated. But you use it way more in cat that then what you do in the campsite? Because, uh, cat is all about precise measurements most of the time. But yeah, otherwise, that is it on the location. Identify where you're on the bottom, right. If we had to head here to softwaretraining.co.za. Guys don't notice you've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on the top. Right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward. Just simply go. Yeah, request the training video, fill in the many form, and then we'll do our basically and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers