TruCUT RDWorks Rotating Objects and Shapes (Part 2) Transforming Shapes Mini-Series

rdworks rotate objects shapes
When it comes to transforming a shape or object by changing the Rotation, there’s different approaches.
From these approaches available, the first method has a more freehand way and the second is for when you working with exact amounts.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Transforming – Scaling.
Previous video covered Transforming – Location.
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Video Transcript
Hi guys. In today's video, we're gonna be looking at the rotation for shapes and objects, and this will be for truth. That already works. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. Yeah, mhm. So today's video can be found on That's you know, that's the day we make sure that easy to watch problem solving videos. And we also have daily updates. Otherwise, way back in the programme. Yeah, now just reminded the season many serious on transforming shapes and recovered the move or location. Now we're gonna be looking at rotation. Now when it comes to the actual rotation, like most, uh, features special transforming, you need something selected in our case, the rectangle we want to rotate now, before the easiest way to rotate this is, you will go on the line. We're not the easiest, but the most simple. You go on this line and you just double click and then you'll see a trend. Just your transform handles. Now, instead of scaling, we have the option for rotation and skewed. So the rotation will be relative to say, um, it doesn't really matter which corner you grab. The moment is gonna rotate around the centre there, as you can see, so that is the first way also, and just decide when you're making selection box of your shape, make sure it's right over the box right over your shape. Otherwise, it's just a better one selected and you can obviously just selected by clicking on it. So then the next we've got years are now top panel Europe. We've got a low rotation. I come there as you can see and show this degree amounts. Now there's something to keep in mind once we set this. So let's say we go 45 degrees press enter it automatically reset it to zero. So that means this is now the new zero for the shape. So if you wanted to reset it, you must just kind of remember what you use. So if I wanted to reset this 2 to 0 minus 45 and it's back to 20, so it's also quite a handy one. This is very nice. If you need exact rotation amounts another one you can kind of free hand it to your design looks kind of it's going in the right direction, and then you just come here, rotate it to the exact amount. Maybe you've got requirements from your job or something like that. Then lastly, on our system works panel here on the right, also known as control panel. If you go far right, you will see it says Transform. Click that. And then the second icon from the left sole rotation icon. You select that the top area here. It's for a daily now, something to keep in mind that varies from the rotation button on top of the year. Is that if we had to go here minus 45 percenter? Oh, sorry. You go apply at the bottom. But that's also one thing, because you do a lot of changes here and then only kick apply, they apply, and then you'll see it stays minus 45 year on the top. Now you might think. Okay, cool. This is great, because now I can just send it back to zero, comply, and then nothing happens. But this actually does. It's kind of showing you the last value used. If let's undo this. So here again we go minus 45. Apply Now, let me add a new shape. Select this and you'll see stone minus 45 on top there. I'm not irritated this one, and that is because it keeps these values. So let's say you want to make mass rotation or mass rotation with protecting multiple objects after each other, and it will keep the value so you can just select the new on like the same the same like the same. So that's something to keep in mind with that one. And we also have Okay, Um, another thing that is, uh that we should keep in mind as we cheque this area over here. A relative centre. You can also lock rotation centre, but this will pretty much be where your origin is. So if you wanna listening to retake more like a door, we can maybe go left here. And then we started irritation. Or if they said customers, if you need an exact point somewhere. But otherwise you said irritation, point, click apply, and then it will rotate around that point. So that is also something that's quite a useful, but otherwise yeah, that is it. On rotating objects and shapes. Where to hear your See you guys on notice. We've got a variety of different software to recover, and also you can isolate your search on the top of right. If you do not, however, find anybody's looking forward, just go here, request a training video and then we will make that video for you. But otherwise thanks guys for watching and cheers.