All right, guys, In today's video, we're gonna be looking at the enabled serial number array option within your serial number feature. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. Mm. So today's video can be found on z. We make sure that easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise, we're back on the programme here. Now, just a quick reminder. This is a miniseries on the text tool, and I will leave relevant links and description so you guys can actually follow it long. Now when it comes to the enables serial number array, Um, I have personally not useless. I'll kind of just be a betraying or damn kind of mentioning what I found online, some research and so forth. So you might have to play with this one as well, just to nicely see what's happening. And if there's something I missed you. Welcome to leave it in the description below, and then we can try maybe an update, video or something like that. So now I'm gonna get right into it going to my text editor. Then what we wanna do is go to the extend, and then you guys don't know just yet. It's got the enable sme ray. Now, in essence, what this should do. Yes, once it's gone through a batch and what we'll do is we'll add another, um, serial number next to it, depending on your space and you put it on top or so forth, and then it will basically have this serial number and then another one next to it, with one number higher. So then this is great for like one time processing. So if you're going to process a lot with one time and yeah, then you can do this and then once it hits your max amount or add the array to the side and then it's, well, basically run through the process again. Now, under this option here, you can see we've got enable serial number array enable that and then under this, we've got two options. X and Y. I've personally not tested. It can take a negative value so quickly. See so the X how many raised your one, so I'll have to. So basically it will be the original, plus another one to the right and then the spacing found 600 is a nice space, and I'm gonna try minors to see if it pops up to the left. So that might actually So then I was like, Okay, and then yeah, there. Because And now let's go back here to the zoom. So normally, this number one will be first. Now, Number two is first. So let me just go and swap that around so we can see. So I'm gonna just make this 600 without the minus. Okay? And then now we're seeing now is number one. They're number two. So, basically, once this one, it's Max and all, um, have the array with it, which, as I update this number, or should I say the first one on the current? If I switch, there's still, let's say number two now. Then you will see this one goes to number three, so it will kind of go in accordance with this current one. So the unique serial number on the right will also increase. So that's pretty much array. Like I said, I personally, um, unfortunately not know too much about it as I've used it myself. It's kind of just, uh, research. I found online about, but yeah. Otherwise, if we had to head here to hey'll see your you guys will notice. We've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on the top of right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward to simply go your request, the training video, filling them uniform. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers. 15:14:082024-12-14 15:42:33TruCUT RDWorks Software the Serial Number Array (Part 15) Text Tool Video Mini-Series