Mm. Alright, guys, in today's video and you are the works, we're gonna be looking at the cut out feature or option located for the cutting and cut out feature. Uh, but before that, let's have a quick intro first. Mm. So today's video can be found on c Uh, we make sure needs to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates otherwise, back in the programme here. Now, just a quick reminder for those that are new. This is a very serious on the cutting and cut out feature, and I will also leave relevant links and description so you guys can follow it along. So when it comes to the cutout feature, this is pretty much exactly the same process as the cut in. The only difference is this will be the way it exits the cut, but the other one will be how it enters the cut. So now what I'm gonna do over here, I'm gonna select the shape they want to locate our cut out and cut in and cut out feature. She's gonna just be on the top of the year with that little circle icon with a line around it. So if I click that it brings out the cut in and out settings and then I'm gonna go to the cut out and just enable that now, once I've able that we obviously like I said before for the same setting. So we've got length, angle, line type and then to centre. So I'm going to sit there. Link the same. Obviously, like I mentioned before in a real cutie wouldn't necessarily want to make it this long. It's really not necessary. The angle and it's like type. So let's firstly okay here to make sure it's fine. So as you can see, we've got a little arrow on that line showing the direction. So now that's coming as a cut out. So let's just maybe make this one arc just to have some variation. Okay, Now we can see it's nicely gonna. Once it reaches the end of the year, it's gonna work out. I personally, in a real cut, would do the same with Cut in would make that at all like Okay, and then there we go. Now we've got a nice fading go around the so call and then fight how to get Yeah, otherwise that it said on the cut out feature or option. Like I said it, you'll be setting up exactly the same as the cut in as just this is in the completion of the code. Otherwise, we're ahead here to z. You guys will notice we've got a variety of different software to recover, and you can also isolate your search on the top. All right, if you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah, request a training video filling the new form. Then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers. 14:22:532025-01-12 00:54:31TruCUT RDWorks the Cut Out Feature and its Options (Part 5) Cut in and Out Video Mini-Series