Alright guys, In today's video, we're gonna be looking at part number 38 from our advanced flat parts. But before that, let's have a quick intro first, so today's video can be found on z. We make sure needs to watch the problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates otherwise went back into the programme here. So now, like I mentioned in today's video, we're gonna be looking at part number 38. And yeah, this is pretty much a form of rectangle. Or how should I say, uh, rectangle with four circle cutouts? So prove this video. We looked at this rectangle with two circle cut out where you could set the individual location of each circle. Now, in today's one, Once again, the four circles are going to be working together the general location. So let's have a look at that and just see it's happening. So let's go to our part or flat part. I'm gonna go to p 38. If I had to zoom in here on our little preview diagram, we can see we've got a few options. So we've got First of all, we've got a which is the width of a rectangle. And then we've got B, which is the height, and I'll be able to de times four or times four D, which is the hammer to of circles that I was going to be cut out. And then we've got here the X one and Y one. So this will be X will be how far it is from the side of the rectangle to the middle of our Cirque. And why will be how far from the bottom to the middle of our circle? Let's just sit in a quick, quick values here and just look at that. So I'm gonna make minor square. So it's got 202 100 the diameter of my, uh, circles. I'm gonna maybe make about 50. And then, uh, yeah, so now we want to set the X and Y Now, obviously, keep in mind you want to set this so there's enough space on the side. So we've got about 25 so anything over 25 should not have it touching this site. So I'm gonna go about let's try about, uh, 40 and body. Just preview that and see what we've got. Here we go. It looks rather presentable. So the important thing about this shape, obviously, like I mentioned to give your mind the Hammett of for your X one and Y one is relevant to the centre of your circle cutouts. Biggest circle is the bigger those standards have to be, um so just keep that in mind. So I'm gonna manual 21. So at this. And then we had this quickly to our canvas or are cutting plane. There we go. That's p 38. Otherwise, if we head here to You guys will notice We've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search here on the top, Right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward to simply go. Yeah, request the training video filling the mini form. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers 12:03:072025-01-09 02:09:05FabriCAM Software P38 Rectangle with Four Cut Outs (Part 18) Step by Step Video Tutorial