FabriCAM Software the Basic Flat Parts Shape P47 (Part 4) Step by Step Video Tutorial

fabricam basic shape p47
From the basic Flat Parts available to use, the next one is one of those must know parts.
This part that we will be covering in this video is a shape part that you might find yourself using all the time.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers FP P9 Hexagon.
Previous video covered FP Basic Part P13.
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Video Transcript
Hey guys, in today's video, we're gonna be covering our part 47 or the part number 47 from our basic parts. But before that, let's have a quick intro first, so today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za z. We make sure and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. The words were back in the programme here now. Yeah, we only have, I think, about two basic parts left that I think it's important to cover and then the next one which I think is quite a useful one because you use it so often and that is the rectangle or the square, depending on the dimensions you enter. So once again, we've added our circle and our circle with the whole inside. Now we want to go to parts and then locate part 47. So I'm going to zoom in here for you guys. You can see So we've got our basic part. As we see there on a small icon, we've got to be an A or a and B two different dimensions. Now, this is obviously like I mentioned, a very important part because you use it so often and then just keep in mind which one does what. So you don't, uh I know it sounds strange, but it actually does happen where you sometimes put in in many ways, also referred to as X and y. And then you put in your, uh, wise dimensions and your X and your X and your y, and then you get from a landscape to a portrait type layout and, uh, cutting. I guess sometimes it doesn't matter. Sometimes you do it on purpose, depending on your how you try to fit it into your actual sheet. But sometimes you want these dimensions to be exactly the same in the same layout. So once again, So let's just do this and keep in mind, uh, these shape is gonna be quite unique. So if we had to do something maybe, like a 404 100 it's gonna keep the name the same, say okay, and then we can see we've got a nice little rectangle here. But I'm just gonna say, cancel and let's go for something. Maybe a bit more stream will make it the height 200. And then let's make this about 600. So it's a nice long piece. Obviously, a lot of these things you would have. Hopefully, I've calculated out beforehand with your product. So you'll basically just be copying and pasting digits in your But that doesn't stop you from, uh, designing here in the actual programme. So we say Okay, now we can see we've got a nice white rectangle here. It's gonna make my manual parts again. One let's say at then Now we can see they've assigned a random colour which is blue to direct angle add part. And now we've got a rectangle here the words we can at like I mentioned, this is a very important shape. As you use it a lot, I will say this the circle and then, uh, maybe one or two other ones which will see is your basic fundamental building blocks. But yeah, otherwise that is it on the shape or part 47 rectangle. Um, if we before we get onto the next shape, if we go to softwaretraining.co.za z, you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover and you can also isolate your search on top of right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for. Even after that, just go here, request the training video, filling the uniform, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.