Using the Slice and Save Finalizing Tools within the PrintUP 3D Printing Software (Part 1)
channel letters slice finalizing
In order to do any form of saving or previewing we will first need a Gcode for the design.
To get a Gcode we will need to generate one, but fortunately PrintUP software can generate that for you.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Preview.
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Video Transcript
Hi guys. In today's video, we're gonna be looking at some finalising tools. We're gonna be looking at the slice and the safe tools located with inn up software. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on and we make sure and easy to watch problem solving videos. And we also have daily updates. Otherwise, we're back into the programme here. So now the section we're gonna get into now the finalising I'll just zoom in here finalising tools on the toolbar. So we've got here a few different ones slice, preview and save. We're gonna be looking at the slice and save first. Now what the slice is gonna do it's pretty much gonna generate a G code for us, depending on the changes you've made. So let's say I grab or select this AM logo go to preference at grid. I'm just gonna make this a one millimetre high by and the grid density three sent. We've got that here and then what I can do. I'm gonna zoom in here and quickly add a bit of a step. So if we want to put a perspex in front, I'm gonna make a step high to about eight. So we leave two mil for the perps, Then I'm gonna make this on quite skinny 0.2 step and then the thickness. I'm gonna leave the same. So OK, as you can see here, we've got a nice little step. Now, what I can simply do is I click the slice button and you will notice once I do that, it will. Actually, um, our preview and save Will will become available. So before that, there's no G code yet for the, um, actual design. So I'm gonna click slice generates a preview. I mean, not a preview. It generates a slice for us. So the G code and there we go. Now we have these two. So you're not gonna quite go into the preview just yet because there's quite a lot to cover in there. Unfortunately, but for now, let's go to the save. This is pretty straightforward. You click that and then you want to navigate to where you want to save your file, give it a name you can see the format is G code and, um, yeah. Then you simply click save. And now what you can do is this will tell you, OK, the export is successfully or export it successfully it OK, and then what you can do from there? If you actually navigate to your file, we've exported it to you can see here. We've got our name logo dot G code. Copy this to a flash drive and then you can simply just take that to your actual, um, printing machine and then print it from there. So the method is pretty straightforward, but, um, in order to save a G code like I mentioned, you just have to make sure you first slice it. Otherwise, it cannot generate a G code for us. But yeah, otherwise that is it on slicing and the save button. If we add in the meanwhile to You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search on the top or right. If you do not however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah. Request a training video, fill in the mini form, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.