Tag Archive for: 3D Printing
The Spiralize Characteristic Tool Feature within the PrintUP 3D Printing Software
Training Videos
When it comes to printing designs from the ground up, there are two main approaches that we are able to take.
From these different approaches we will be looking at the Spiralize Characteristic build up method.
Filling the Top of Channel Letters using the PrintUP 3D Printing Software (Part 3)
Training Videos
After we have had a look at the Customer option, lets look at a smart way for filling the top of the channel letters.
Even though you could simply use the option available for filling the letters, there is a cleaner way to go about…
Setting the Customer Print Setup Options Within PrintUP 3D Printing Software (Part 2)
Training Videos
Now that we have looked at the Recommended feature, lets dive into the Customer Options.
In most cases the Recommended feature is fine, But if you are looking for some more control over the process, the Customer feature will be for…
The Recommended Print Setup Options Within the PrintUP 3D Printing Software (Part 1)
Training Videos
When it comes to the Print Setup of PrintUP software, there are a few different approaches to take.
From these different approaches there are the universal setting, Recommended and more advanced Customer.
This video is part…
Different Print Setup Options when Using PrintUP Software (Mini-Series) Video Index
Channel Letter G-Code Generator
This is an index covering a mini-series of video about the Print Setup Feature.Index Below.
When it comes to PrintUP the software, the Print Setup will give you the ability to do some rather great fine tuning.
PART 1 - Recommended…
The Multi to One Option for Layering Within the PrintUP 3D Printing Software (Part 3)
Training Videos
Now when it comes to the Layering feature, we have three options available, Single, Individuals and Stacked.
In order to change between the stacked and individual layering we will be using the Multi to One feature.
This video…
Setting and Resetting the Extruders Within the PrintUP 3D Printing Software (Part 2)
Training Videos
So now that we know what layering is, lets look at where to find and set the Extruders for the Layers.
Another thing which is handy in regards to the Extruders, is knowing how to rest them back to the default values.
This video…
Using vs Not Using the Layering Feature Within PrintUP 3D Printing Software (Part 1)
Training Videos
If you are looking at adding more colors or appeal to your design, you might be interested in using the layering feature.
Within the layering feature you are able to setup more then just you standard layers.
This video is part…
Using and Setting the Layering Feature Within PrintUP Software (Mini-Series) Video Index
Channel Letter G-Code Generator
This is an index covering a mini-series video about the Layering feature.Index Below.
When it comes to the layering feature within PriniUP software, we have a few different options to look at.
PART 1 - Layer Process
Previewing 3D Print Ready Gcoded designs using the PrintUP 3D Printing Software (Part 2)
Training Videos
After we gave generated a Gcode for our design at hand, we are able to preview that design more accurately.
Part of the Preview feature is to be able to isolate key processes of the Gcode job to see how the process will go.
Using the Slice and Save Finalizing Tools within the PrintUP 3D Printing Software (Part 1)
Training Videos
In order to do any form of saving or previewing we will first need a Gcode for the design.
To get a Gcode we will need to generate one, but fortunately PrintUP software can generate that for you.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.Next…
Finalizing Your Channel Letter Designs Using PrintUP Software (Mini-Series) Video Index
Channel Letter G-Code Generator
This is an index covering a mini-series of videos about the finalizing tools.Index Below.
When you are working on 3d channel letter designs, there are a few useful tools to use in order to finalize your designs.
PART 1 - Slice…
Using the Step Characteristic Feature Within PrintUP 3D Printing Software (Part 2)
Training Videos
When it comes to three dimensional channel lettering, there are a number of different design approaches.
From these design approaches like the one which works with perspex, working with steps will become most useful.
This video…
Using the Grid Characteristic Feature Within PrintUP 3D Printing Software (Part 1)
Training Videos
When it comes to 3d printing different channel letters, they can very quickly become unstable.
So that being said, there are a few ways we can go about strengthening the structure, the Gird being one of them.
This video is…
Grid and Step Characteristics Within the PrintUP Software (Mini-Series) Video Index
Channel Letter G-Code Generator
This is an index covering a mini-series of videos about the Channel Letter Characteristics.Index Below.
When it comes to the Characteristic features that comes with PrintUP, these will help aid you with your designs.
PART 1 -…
Transformation Practical Exercise Using the PrintUP 3D Printing Software (Part 6)
Training Videos
Now that we have covered the most important Transformation tool, lets have a look at putting it to practice.
When it comes to practical exercises I find that it really helps to foundation the information better.
This video…
Understanding the Model List Feature Within PrintUP 3D Printing Software (Part 5)
Training Videos
When we are working with multiple models, STL and OBJ file formats, then the Model List will come in quite handy.
The Model List has a few great options for managing you Designs other than just listing them,
This video is part…
Ungrouping Grouped Channel Letters using the PrintUP 3D Printing Software (Part 4)
Training Videos
Now that we have look at the most important transform tools, lets look at another transform tool that will be of great help.
With the Ungroup feature we are able to take most of your designs to another level when making them more…
How to Scale Your 3D Channel Letters using the PrintUP 3D Printing Software (Part 3)
Training Videos
After we have had a look at the first two transform tools we will dive into the scale tool.
The scale tool is not only great for resizing your overall design, but can also be used with individual parts.
This video is part of…
Rotating Three Dimensional Models Within the PrintUP 3D Printing Software (Part 2)
Training Videos
Now that we understand how to move the Channel Letters, lets look at its rotation option.
When it comes to the Rotation of these Three Dimensional shapes, it works in some way similar to the move tool but not.
This video is…
How to Move 3D Channel Letter Models using the PrintUP 3D Printing Software (Part 1)
Training Videos
When it comes to transforming 3d Channel Letter models and shapes, the first tool on out list will be the Move tool.
With the Move tool and its options, we have two main forms of moving the object in 3d space.
This video is…
A Overview Look at the Layout when using the PrintUP 3D Printing Software (Part 1)
Training Videos
When it comes to using a new program, I always find it very useful to understand where what is located.
In order to know where what it located we should first look at which sections of the program specializes in what.
Looking at the Layout and 3D Navigation Within the PrintUP Software (Mini-Series) Video Index
Channel Letter G-Code Generator
This is an index covering a mini-series of videos about Navigating PrintUP.Index Below.
When it comes to navigating the PrintUP software, there are two main part to the program, the User Interface and 3d Viewport.
PART 1 - Layout…
How to Customize the 3D Model Settings using the PrintUP 3D Printing Software (Part 4)
Training Videos
Now when it comes to the settings related to adding new 3d Channel models, there are a few to look at.
From these different settings we will first off be looking at the most universal ones.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.Previous…