Using vs Not Using the Layering Feature Within PrintUP 3D Printing Software (Part 1)

channel letters layering choices

If you are looking at adding more colors or appeal to your design, you might be interested in using the layering feature.

Within the layering feature you are able to setup more then just you standard layers.

This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Extrude Settings.

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Video Transcript

Alright, you guys, in today's video, we're gonna be looking at the layer process that can be found within print up software. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on And we make short and easy to watch problem solving videos and we also have daily updates. Otherwise we'll go back into the programme now before we cover layer process. I would say it's a good idea to first know what it is. So the idea is that you can print different colours, so basically different layered colours on a design. So if I go over here to, um, a sample, you can see over here where it starts with blue, for instance, you can obviously choose which colours. Then it goes over to a orange over here and then back to a blue. So it's gonna make your design is quite interesting. You can also do things where it's like one colour, and the end is another colour. That is pretty much when you wanna, um, do some layer process on your channel letters. Now, if we go into the programme here now, we already have it enabled, but you will not be able to see it. So just keep in mind if you want to preview it, you gonna have to first slice your actual, uh, design. You're under the advanced, uh, finalising tool. I mean, and then click on preview. Then it will open up a preview for zoom in here. You can see. OK, here is our current layer process, so it looks like it's about in the middle. Then there's a nice little separation layer and then back to the normal colour. So now just set this up. You can, for instance, disable it. So we're gonna go here to characteristics on our main menu, and then, um, go to the right to the bottom to layer process. Open that. And then here we have a few different settings. So the top one is layer change. Um, enable. So if we uncheck this and you'll see everything is great out here now, it only basically print one colour. So if you don't want to use this feature, you can simply just disable it like this, and then it will keep your settings. So when you enable it again, it's all back now under that, we've got some more advanced settings I would recommend. Just leave all of this as is, If you really need to, you can play around with them, but otherwise it should be fine. And under that, we've got our actual, um, layers so you can see what layer 012. So at the moment, what we saw before we had a blue a black and a blue So that means zero will be the first blue and then we've got the height. So when is it going to change to the next one? And after that, we've got the actual extruder and this is the type of colour it's going to be using basically, through the left, extrude the right and then, um, we can adjust that. So, for instance, let's say we want to make this thing higher, and we want to adjust the lower value year or the lower value year. So let's say we want to have to have way more black and only a little bit of blue at the end. Then we can maybe go all the way to 30%. Then, um we say, OK, slice this. Make sure you slice again. Go preview. Now, if we zoom in here, you will see the black goes way higher. So you can obviously, um they go all the way to the top, which just two tone. And for that, what you will be doing is simply you can simply remove the last one. So let's say you can take this one. We can, right click it and we can say delete if we want to, and it will remove the last layer now will only be two layers. So if we go quickly again, slice and then preview, you can see Now we've got a two tone ladder and then you can just simply adjust the height to where you like it. But yeah, otherwise, you can also right click and you can say add. So if you want to add something back, you can see there and then we can go choose the extruder what colour you want. So you could also just change this to right if you wanted to not remove one. But you can also add more if you want to have, like, multiple layers, which is very handy. Yeah, otherwise that is it. On the basics of the actual, uh, layer process. It's a handy tool if you wanna make your character or your channels look way more unique and, uh, stimulating. Yeah, otherwise, in the meanwhile, though, if we head here to You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your surgery on the top or the right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go, yeah, request a training video, fill in a form, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys for watching and cheers.

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