TruCUT RDWorks the Draw Bars Location (Part 7) Graphical User Interface Mini-Series
rdworks draw bar
The Draw Bar in TruCUT RDWorks can also be refer to as the Main Tool Bar, similar as to most other design type programs.
Within the Draw Bar you will find many tools that are in their own sub categories, all relevant to their design purpose and needs.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers GUI System Work Plat.
Previous video covered GUI Arrange Bar.
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Video Transcript
Okay. Hi there, guys. In today's video, true Cut already works. We're gonna be looking at the draw bar for the user interface. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on We make sure an easy to watch problem solving videos and we also have daily updates. Otherwise, we're back in the programme here and now just a quick reminder. This is a miniseries on the, um user interface and slowing the programme. And I will also leave relevant links and description so you guys can actually follow along now when it comes to the draw bar. This used to also be known as the Edit Bar earlier versions so that there will be the boy on our left and a lot of programmes. It's also considered your tool well, but withdrew card already works. They they lay out of most of the tools and so forth is kind of wanna say all over the place. But it's not laid out the way you can find in a typical programme, like maybe illustrator or something in that line. So what's gonna happen here so This is our draw bar. And a lot of our main tools that we're gonna be using will be located here. And also some tools for editing shapes and that when it is selected, we also have, um I want to say a few items. If you click, it pops up the extra menu here on the right. But it appears to be only with the actual edit note. Uh, function. We have some extra features here. So then we have different categories. So we've got kind of selection. We've got note based and shapes under that, and then we have some more advanced type features and some basic operators for when you have shape selected. So if you have to look at these buttons, if I select the shape and you'll see they become active, you have some basic rotation and the leading and stuff like that, which I say I'm flipping and so forth. And yeah, I like with most programmes, um, two bars. Quite handy using it a lot. As you can see. Also, your text tool is located here. Um, yeah. So and that's pretty much the draw bar. Uh, you know, like in some programmes like I mentioned Tube. But otherwise, yeah, if we had here to You guys will notice We've got a variety of different software to to cover. And also, you can isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the videos you're looking for, You can always go here, request the training video. Then we will make that video for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and just