The General Preferences Part One with the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 1)

flexiprint general preferences
Now when it comes to the main Preferences within FlexiPRINT, the General Tab will be the place we start.
Within the General Tab from the preferences, we will be able to make some nice tweaks, the Constraints will be one of them.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers General – Part 2.
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Video Transcript
all guys in today's video, we're gonna be looking at some preferences for flexi print, and we'll be starting with the general tab. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on co dot Z A. We make short and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Now, if we're into the programme yet, so like I mentioned, we're gonna be looking at the preferences now. This can be used to set up how the programme reacts in different scenarios. Now, some of these things you'll probably want to leave a default, But, um, some of the others it will be. Or should I say it could be quite handy if you customise them, especially if you have a specific type of workflow you're going for, then these can be quite convenient. So what I'm gonna do is just quickly show you first where to locate it. So to get the preferences, this will be under your main menu on top, and then we wanna go to edit and we're gonna go down to preferences. Click this and then open up. You'll see there's quite a few different options and a few different tabs on top. Now, a lot of these things can be self explanatory if you just read them. But, um, yeah, we're gonna deep dive into some of these just to get a better understanding of what they do now on the first tab. So the general tab you'll see our first option here is called Max. Undo, forward slash Redo. So this will be the max amount of times. Obviously you can undo and redo. Now, this is, um, also kind of memory dependent and so forth. So depending on how much memory you've got and uh, you know the specs of your PC this you can obviously then set higher. But if you say that's too high, you might also encounter some, uh, more sluggishness because every time you make a change, it saves it into your memory, and then so you can undo it to that step, I would recommend leaving a default, but if you can, it's always a bit safe, having it at a higher number. So that way, if you have to backtrack, it is easier. But I mean 50 is quite sufficient, I would say next up you've got the selection. Torrent. So what this will do is we'll pretty much have a pixel. How can I say pixel size that you can select around your object? So I'm gonna quickly make a quick exa MP. Let's just make a rectangle here. And if I have a selection tool, zoom here so you can see on the side. Now, if I click and move closer to this object, you'll see at a certain point there I'm not touching it yet, but now it is selected. So if I had to take this up, let's make this. I think the max was 29 to share guys. So then, uh, once again, zoom in here. As you can see now, I don't have to be as close to the shape before it becomes selected. As you can see now, it's over a year already. It's been selected. Now, the reason why you might wanna say this is because sometimes you might be working with text and maybe your font, uh, something which is like, uh, let's get something that's quite skinny then. If it's not set high enough, it can be quite a mission. Selecting it sometimes where now it will be easy because on 29 but this is one of those cases where you might wanna adjust it. If you find you just can't click certain objects or select them, and then that's always a good place to go and, uh, adjust them. I'm just gonna leave mine at three. So that, um, we have all of that, OK, And then, uh, next up, it's not quite what I wanted to do it Just throw that back in the bottom. Next up, we're gonna be looking at is our actual constraints. So let's make another shape. Now, this is gonna work is if you rotate things in the programme, then you have a constraint option. So if I go here to the rotation, I keep shifting, click and drag. You'll see it, rotates it and then constrains it here so it pops it to different areas. Now, this currently is doing it in 45 degree angles. Now, if you want it in between angles, obviously then you can go set it. Yeah, so we go to, uh, edit preferences, and then every year we can see currently it is set to 45 degrees, so it is the constraint angle. So now let's maybe change this to 15. And now, if we had to go grab you and we let me zoom out first, it keeps shifting and you can see it constrains around 15 degrees. So now it's easy to calculate. If you need an exact amount of degrees for a certain angle or so forth, then, um, you can always use custom constraints or, like adjust constraint. I personally like it at some at 15, actually, but, uh, most of the time it's 45 leave at default, then the last one for now we're gonna be looking at is the actual moving distance with arrow key. And you'll see we've got two options here. The top one is pixels, and the bottom one is distance. So if you're working with strict uh, design requirements, then maybe distance will be a better one, so you can set it to an exact amount. But, uh, let's just leave it at pixels now, and I can quickly show you the difference. Now, what this is gonna do is if I have something selected and I use my arrow keys on my keyboard to move it you will see it currently. It moves also slightly and that is moving by one pixel. So I've had to adjust that. Let me make it a bit more extreme. I'm gonna go about 50. So OK, zoom in. Now, if I use my arrow keys, you can see it pops quite a bit. So this is a nice way to adjust that, um the kind of how can I say your your movement with your keyboard. So if you want it to be bigger steps, I personally like this smaller because I I will move it and then come with my keyboard and try to fine adjust it. Where If it's too big, you can see there. Um, yeah, it becomes quite unmanageable. Just go back here, set it to one. Because if you have to So now let's say I move this. You can see it's very little. But if I keep shifting, then it jumps in bigger amounts. So that way you can always use that combination so you can fine adjust it with your normal arrow keys and then keep shifting if you wanna quickly move it somewhere. But yeah, otherwise that is it. On the first part of our preferences. Some handy ones. So we've got our undo S. We've got some constraints and so forth, But yeah, Before we move on to the next section If we head here to co dot Z a you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah, request a training video, fill in the mini form and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.