Part One of the Interface Overview within SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 1)
flexiprint interface overview 1
When it comes to learning a new program, I always like to start at the user interface.
Learning the user interface will give you a good understanding of what is located where.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Interface Overview – Part 2.
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Video Transcript
Alright, you guys, in today's video, we're gonna be looking at an overview of the interface of flexi print and this will be part one. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on co dot Z A. We make sure and easy to watch problem solving videos and we also have daily updates. Otherwise, if we head to the programme here, so now once we're in the programme, we'll be met by a welcome screen with some basic tutorials. I've just cancelled that. But then, uh, right away, let's jump into the actual user interface or the, um, interface we'll be using. There's quite a few different things, but some of it is quite universal that you might notice throughout different programmes. So, first of all, we have our main menu on top here. This is a great place where you're gonna find all the features that is, um, on your actual design will be in these menus. So a lot of these things like news, save all of that. You'll be able to find under these menus and then they are also specialised for specific things. So we've got a menu just for text. So all your text related things you can find in here and then, um, so forth. So this will be a very handy menu. We'll come back to this often, especially seeing that not everything that's on these two bars will be found. Well, not everything in these menus will be found on the actual two bars. So some of it we will have to go inside these menus. It can be a bit intimidating at first, but you kind of just see this as a drawer with a lot of, uh, different files in there. They've categorised it nicely, so if we have to, we'll get it. But some of these features not that useful in the sense of you use it often. And that is why they left them inside these drawers. Then next up, we've got our toolbars. So we've got the two ones we've got our primary one or our main toolbar, which is on top. Here is also where all our main operators will happen. So, like I said, saving opening, exporting copy paste and a lot of our floating panels will also locate under this, then to the left of that we've got our, uh, two bar secondary. And this will be where all your tools, um, it's located that you normally use for either navigation or actual design. So, as you can see, we've got the text tool here. We've got selection, some curves, then we've got shapes. We've got colour pickers and so forth. This is also a handy tool bar, which I'll be using often. So you always want this one right on hand, then another one which we overlook often. But it's very important is our guides. So, as you can see, we've got these two rulers here, left and right. Or should I rather say top and left So the one will a rule will be for horizontal, and the other ruler will be for the vertical. So this is nice if you need to do exact measurements. So as you can see here on the right, If I zoom in here for you guys, then, um, we can nicely see here. It says centimetres. So we know which measurement we're working in. And then we can obviously adjust this to anything else so we can have this inches millimetres, you know, and so forth so we can actually know these rulers are working in accordance. So this is also a very fancy tool. Um, which will go into all of these into more depth? This is just the overview. So you kind of know where is what located, then underneath that we've got our swatches, which is over here. So this is a nice, quick way where we can select colours, premade ones. And then, um I know in some cases you can make your own custom swatches. So if you're working on perhaps a corporate design, then you can always just go and reference to these swatches with the correct colours already. So you don't have to manually go set it up every time. You can just quickly go through your workflow and use it. But yeah, otherwise, that is part one. And the second part we'll be running through some other elements on the actual user interface. And then this should just be about a two part, uh, little mini series on the user interface. But before we go to part two, if we head here to co dot Z A, you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your surgery on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah, request a training video, fill in the mini form, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks you guys for watching and cheers.