Yeah. All right, guys, in today's video, we're gonna be looking at our part seven from our flat parts and this will be for the intermediate part. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on z. We make sure we need to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates otherwise, back in the programme here. So now we're gonna be looking at part seven or should I say the fourth shape on our intermediate list? Now this one gets a little bit more complex as the ones we've already covered. This is also a four value of four options part, but the value or the options, you said, gets a bit more complicated. So now we go to parts or flat parts from our primary toolbar. We can find this p seven. I'm not too sure what we call this part. Um, if you know the name of it, you can waste it in the description, but yeah, to me, it's a bit of a rectangle at yeah, this shape and a circle mix. Oh, but now if we are to zoom in here and we can see over here. We've got four parts on the right. So we've got a B, R and D, And over here we have our A, B and V so that we can see which ones changes. What? So for the are this surrounding on top? How big we want that, then, for the V, we've got basically height. It seems like it's perhaps to the start of the rounding, as we can see over here. And then we've got to be This is this little bottom box area how high we wanted. And then we've got a which is the width of that little box. It's pretty much the width of the overall shape as well. So let's just add a few values here. I'm gonna make this one a 300. Then let's go to be and we make this one maybe about 50. We're gonna go to our our rounding on top. Uh, let's say we may make it 1 50 half of our overall shape, and then we do our V and then this one. I'll maybe do about 100 or let's make it 200. Leave the name the same. Say Okay. We look at a little preview. This is a very odd previous nothing like our shape. So I'm gonna just see if we can refine this a bit. So I think our first thing is our top is too big. So let's go to the r. And we make this, I'm gonna chop it down a lot. 50. And just to see what results do we get here? Okay, this is already better. So I think maybe about 100 2. 90 we will have the right rounding on top. So I'm gonna try this 90. Say Okay. Now, our problem is our height. So let's just set our height quick of this. So this will be we either do the V or the B, but I'm gonna do the V for now. Make this 100. Say Okay. Okay. This is way closer, but obviously the shape is going to differ depending on the results you're looking for. So there's no need for us to actually get it accurate. But just to kind of get an idea of what happens when you set these values and definitely use the preview option is very, very handy. So I'm gonna go sit here to manual one say add. And then let's add this shape to our canvas. So this is our fourth shape. But it's part seven p seven. Like I said so far, I think from all our shapes the storey the most complex one we've covered. But yeah, there is some more, even more complex ones coming. But yeah, otherwise that is it on P seven, if we hate here to z You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover and you can also isolate your search on the top of right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward. Just simply go. Yeah, request the training video filling the uniform. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and just 10:01:552024-09-27 23:23:32FabriCAM Software Intermediate Flat Part Shape P7 (Part 4) Step by Step Video Tutorial