Using Adobe Filters for your Bitmaps within the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 8)

flexiprint bitmaps adobe filters
Now here is a feature that you do not see very often, being able to use another software’s Filters.
That being said however there is a very specific requirement in order to have this feature working.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Previous video covered Filters.
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Video Transcript
All right, guys, In today's video, we're going to be looking at some Photoshop philtres within flexi print, and this will be for the bed maps. But before that, let's have a quick intro first, so today's video can be found on co dot Z A. We make short and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise we're add into the programme here. So now in the previous video, we looked at the in house philtres, which was on the Bitmap philtres. But obviously this only worked. If you have a bit map selected or ra the image so likewise. Now, if we have a rad image selected, this is simply just a duplicate of the one on the left so we can see a difference in the two now, In order for this feature to work to use Photoshop philtres, you obviously need Photoshop. So this, unfortunately, is one of those requirements where, um, this feature will only work if you have Photoshop now by default. If you have Photoshop, I think it will ask you in the beginning to set up a URL or a, um, location for your plugins for the programme, but I'll just quickly show you if you didn't set it up where you can, so you get an idea. So what you wanna do is you go to your main menu on top, go to edit, and then we're gonna go down until we find preferences. I'm gonna click that and then under our tabs on top here, we wanna go to file paths and then navigate down till we see Adobe Plugins. Now. But yeah, this is my current URL. So you can see its programme files at that adobe Photoshop 2021 required and then plug ins. So if you have to, you can just click, browse, navigate to that location or wherever your Photoshop is, uh, installed, and your plugins folder within that now, also just off the bat, my user interface gets a bit funky. Once I use this feature. And to fix that, I simply save my file exit and go back into the programme. So maybe you're fortunate it doesn't happen to you. So I'm not too sure what that's all about. So now let's quickly just look at one or two philtres because there's just way too many to cover. So I've got this little raster image selected. Then what we wanna do is like before we go to Bitmap. And then we wanna go right to the bottom under Philtres. We'll see. We've got Adobe Philtres, and from here, you can see we've got a whole list with lists within that, so it can be quite intimidating. But it also means you've got a lot of cool tools from Photoshop. You cannot do and use straight within flexi print, so that'll just go something simple. I'm gonna go. Maybe, uh, let's go this neon glow. Not that I would wanna really use this, but just so you can see someone once I click this, it will open up for us a Photoshop window where this is gonna apply the philtre. You couldn't mess around here with other philtres, but I'll just leave everything on default. You've got your settings here at the bottom and your glow colour. So if you want to change that, you can do that as well. Then I'm gonna say OK, and you'll see now it's adjusted here inside our programme, um, straight from Photoshop. So then So I'm gonna take my window and make it big again. And as you can see now, it almost looks like it scaled the entire user interface smaller because these bars used to be there on the right. Now it's closed. And if you look at our menus, uh, let me just go down here, zoom first, and then if you look at our menus, they all the text is hardly fitting in. So like I said, that's the only problem I've found so far. I mean, you can still use the programme quite nicely like this. If you have a big monitor, then it's not so obvious. Um, but yeah, it is a little bit strange, because if you want to fix that, you simply save it. Go save. Once it's finished, we close that, and it's gonna start it again. Lexi Print, Wait for it to load. And then, uh, obviously, once it is open, then what you wanna do is just open your previous project again. Wait for it. I don't know why it's taking so slow now. It's obviously as soon as I wanna show someone on a video, it's gonna take extra long. You know how it works. There you go. Now we've got our philtre and our user interface is restored, as you can see. Now, if you move these panels around when your user interface that work like that, then they gonna have new locations. So you just gonna have to try and adjust them accordingly. But yeah, otherwise, that is it on the Photoshop philtres. So a quick recap if you, uh, wanna use them, make sure you have a vector selected or, uh, rest. Sorry, Uh, rest the image. Then we can go to bit map right to the bottom Adobe philtres. And then you can pick from the huge, huge list of different options, but yeah, otherwise, thanks, guys, for following along on this mini course in the Meanwhile, though, if we head here to co dot Z a you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on the top. Right? If you do not however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah, request the training video, fill in the in form, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers