Path Tool Snapping vs the Arc Feature the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 4)
flexiprint path tool snapping
Now in this next section of the Path Tool feature we will be looking at some other important options to transform you Path Designs.
These options might be a bit to get used to at first, but once you understand how to make them they might prove to be quite useful in the end.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Transform Points.
Previous video covered Curved Lines.
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Video Transcript
Alright, guys, In today's video, we're gonna be looking at the snapping versus Arc modifiers for our path to, and this will be within flexi print. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on co dot Z A. We make short and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates now if we enter into the programme. So in the previous videos we looked at making or creating straight lines and curve lines. Now we're going to be looking at some arc lines. This is will be mostly to do with, uh, additional. How can I say modifiers, babe, I have our part two selected. One of the modifiers, if you guys can remember is, was creating parallel lines with the horizontal vertical and also 45 degrees. So what we did, we left clicked. We kept shifting and we left clicked again. And then we made a nice little straight line. Now let's say we wanted to use some different modifier. The one that's very important, in my opinion, is the arc modifier or the one that helps create arc or arcs for your actual parts So what I'm gonna do again? Let's start again. We're gonna create a little straight line, so shift, click, and then we've got a straight line now and that's how I wanna arc this edge. And what I can do is if I keep control in, you might notice that our actual mouse cursor changes. So instead of a plus, now it becomes a little arc. A little change. But yeah, it is there. So I'm gonna zoom out, keep control and keeping control in and keeping my left click in. You'll see it creates an arc. I can just click, and it'll create that arc for us. But now, by keeping it in, if I move my mouse because you'll see there where I clicked that stays of origin. But now what we can do is we go to the right of it or the left of it. It will change the arc to the inside or outside, which is pretty handy. So let's say I can get a place where I like it. Then I can simply just let go let go, and then it will create that arc force. Now there is something else to keep in mind. Now let's say we have this one where it's locked to our point with control. Now, if I have to keep shift and control, this is where we get a bit more freedom. So now I'm going to press shift. And now what's happening is this arc is being constrained to where my mouse cursor. As I move this around, you can see the arc starts arching around this point. So that is very handy. If you wanna make some unique arcs or very, uh, specific ones, you can do that. We can obviously put guides so you can snap it to certain areas if you need your arc going around that which is, uh, pretty handy. But what I'm gonna do is just, uh, create a unique shape. So let's let go of shift. I'm sure use normal control. We get a nice little corner arch going in here. Let go, And then I'm gonna keep shift so we can constrain the angle, put another straight line and now I'm gonna close the shape. I'm gonna keep control in create arc. But this time, instead of creating just like this, normal shape is go a bit more extreme. So I'm gonna throw this shape right around, and then when I let go, you'll see we've created quite a unique shape here, using the straight line and the arc tool. Let's go about that down a bit and see there, which you can imagine. Oh, you can create some interesting shapes, especially for your cutting, um, using the arc. So just a quick recap. So what we wanna do is with our AC, uh, pastor selects it. We want to use, um control to create an arc, and then you can also use shift with control, and that will constrain it around where your mouse cursor. But let's first add a line, add one line, and then we do it again. Control and shift. And then you can see the constraints that are around wherever my mouse cursor is, So you can make some, uh, very handy in that manner shape there. This is a very fun tool. You might get yourself like me playing around with it just because it is that fun. But yeah, in any case, before I get carried away here, that is the arc tool. So very handy. Just the modifier for that is control or control plus shift if you want to have a more free hand or one that follows your mouse cursor. But yeah, in the meanwhile, though, if we head here to co dot Z a guys all notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search on the top or right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go, Yeah, request the training video, fill in the uniform and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys for watching and cheers.