The default shapes is only that useful before one needs to transform them in some sort of other form.
With the basic and advanced transform handles one will be able to do the basic scale, rotate and move, to the advanced skewing, constraining and snapping transformations.
How is it, guys? Um, in today's video, we're gonna be looking at the selection tool, and it's transformation is the basic and advance. Just get over to the intro video. Quick. Mhm. Mm. Okay. Now, just a reminder of this video can be found on That's the, uh You can also find more videos. They're relevant to this software and other software. And then we also do upload videos daily, so just keep an eye there for updates. Okay, Now you're back in the programme. Um, to locate your selection tool, we'll be going to the left to warrior, the site to panel and then, uh, select selection, too. And if you click on your object, you will see it selected. It's got these transformation gadgets that pop up. And also, if you see, we just hover on the box itself. It's got this arrows that show you that movement that the movement was selected. So then if you click your object, you move it around, you'll see that, uh, with its location like that. And then also we started by the first one. It will do the same thing. So if we click it, you can move the cube around and then next to those we've got basically a movement but constraints it in vertical. And then we've got the horizontal as click that we'll see. You can only move vertically if you try and move it horizontally. It doesn't allow you the same horizontal. And next up, we've got the rotations. So if you click that you can take the cube. But also just a pro tip. If you keep shifting while doing that, it will snap it too Good type. So if you wanna get more accurate and or uh, rotation is going to strength, then on the right here we've got the next one is the, um basically, it's a form of transform the scale, but this one once again will limit the transforming the horizon. So let's just do that. And if we try another angle, it doesn't work the same with one for vertical and then the bottom right. You've got a free transform. So if you click this on or transform it in pretty much any angle you would like and once again, also, the constraints do work. So if you're keeping shifting, then you can constraint ege the horizontal and vertical access. Then if you keep holding, you will constraint it to the centre of the object. And if you keep, um, sorry, old, old, old and shift, then it will constraint and keep its original shape. Mm. Then, yeah, And then let's say now let's go to the advanced options on top year, any two of you selected keep an eye on top, then you will see its options. So let's go to advance quick. I'll see the and also has changed. The movement is on this one, still pretty much the same. But then when you hover over the icon, you will see, um, your cross, it does change to what it can do. So these ones are basically you'll be able to like the free transform. You'll be able to do that. And when it pops up the rotation one, you can rotate it all the protests still works. You keep shifting, constraint it, and then, um but, uh, the side ones, if you get two errors facing opposite directions, and if you can see that in the process of it's small, and if you click that you will skew the object in that direction and then. So that's the basics of the constraints that basic and advanced. The basic is probably a good one just to leave it on, because it does most of the things. But if you need to skew that thing, you can always go to your advance and then just look for two little arrows facing opposite direction and skew them. Okay, now let's just go to the website, okay? Now, just a reminder. You can find this video and movies like this. It' hat CEO today. You can also search here by software, name and category. So if there's a specific software you're looking for, you can just isolate that one. Or you can go on top year and search, and so you can find the video looking for If we do not find it in a list or after searching, you can always request the video here, and then we will make that video for you. Otherwise, thanks guys, for watching and just
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