Tag Archive for: Paths

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Edit Paths Points with (DC) (Part 16) Working with Paths Mini-Series

Being able to change the path points with the DesignCentral panel helps you to make those finer adjustments. This video is part of a Mini-Series that covered all the different way to make, change and alter the paths. Previous video…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 DesignCentral Editing Paths (Part 15) Working with Paths Mini-Series

Using the DesignCentral panel to do edits to paths within FlexiSTARTER, this is very important when changing corners. Other than the corner types you can change the line style and also one or two other smaller things within this panel. This…

FlexiSTARTER Removing Self-Intersection Path Crossings (Part 14) Working with Paths Mini-Series

Using this feature will help you to separate a path shape that has crossing points into multiple path shapes. This is great if you want to turn complex paths with crossings into more manageable paths. This video is part of…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Removing the Path Points (Part 13) Working with Paths Mini-Series

Being able to remove path points is great if you want to simplify or cleanup your paths. When it comes to the process of removing or deleting path points, it is rather simple. There are two ways one can go about it. This video…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Equal Space Between Path Points (Part 12) Working with Paths Mini-Series

Like with the aligning of path points, being able to add an equal space between points is of great help. Even though this might not be relevant to all path points, you will notice that this is quite handy on more static type design. This…

SAi FlexiSTARTER Align Path Points Ver or Hor (Part 11) Working with Paths Mini-Series

Being able to align path points on both the Horizontal and Vertical planes is ideal for strict design requirements. If you have worked with path points you should know by now how hard it can be to place multiple points perfectly aligned…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Continue an Open Paths (Part 10) Working with Paths Mini-Series

This is if you have an open path within the design and you would like to continue expanding that path. The process of continuing open paths is rather simple, but it is still good to know how to go about doing it. This video…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Different Path Point Types (Part 9) Working with Paths Mini-Series

When it comes to the path point types, you get three different one that you are able to choose from. All these points have Different purposes depending on the corner type required for each point within the design. This video…

SAi FlexiSTARTER Box and Inclined Bounding Select (Part 8) Working with Paths Mini-Series

This way of selecting path points is a great way to go about when wanting to make larger selections. You will also notice that the new incline bounding selection option will really help you with those more complex shapes. This…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Selecting the Path Points (Part 7) Working with Paths Mini-Series

Being able to select path point in the program is key for making any custom shape changes to you path objects. You might be happy to find out that the path point selecting feature has quite a few handy ways to go about when making…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Converting Shapes to Paths (Part 6) Working with Paths Mini-Series

When it comes to converting base rectangles and oval shapes to paths, there is a good reason why you would want to do that. This can be quite a confusing topic at first, as you would imagine that shapes and paths are all part of the…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 the Freehand Drawing Tool (Part 5) Working with Paths Mini-Series

When you have a steady hand and like to take control, then the Freehand Drawing Tool is for you. If you however do not feel that confident in you like quality no fear, the new tolerance option will help you to smooth out those line…

SAi FlexiSTARTER Drawing Arc Paths Bezier Path Tool (Part 4) Working with Paths Mini-Series

Using Arc paths within your design could help you with making a variety of different shapes. This method of making paths is great for corner designs, adding circular type paths to the normal path or even using it to make flower design. This…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Curved Paths Bezier Path Tool (Part 3) Working with Paths Mini-Series

If you are looking at, make more dynamic flow type designs, then being able to make curved path is a must. The curved paths can be trickier to get the hand of then the straight paths, but one you get the hang of it you should notice…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Straight Paths Bezier Path Tool (Part 2) Working with Paths Mini-Series

For your more static type structure style designs, being able to make good straight lines are key. There are few things as frustrating as trying to make a horizontal or vertical straight line, but the fine line as a light slant to…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Working with Paths Overview (Part 1) Working with Paths Mini-Series

As like with most other Vector type programs, paths and path points are the building blocks of Vector shapes. Even though the topic of working with paths can quite intimidating, when you get the hang of this tool you should notice…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 (Mini-Series) the Working with Paths, Video Index about this Feature

This is an index covering a mini-series of videos on how to work with paths in FlexiSTARTER 19.Index Below. Paths are one of the most important features when it comes to Vector type programs. PART 1 - Working with Paths Overview PART…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Preview Paths and Cut Directions (Part 2) Preview Path Cuts Mini-Series

The great thing about the wireframe preview option when it comes to paths, is seeing the cut direction. If you understand how cut directions work, you are able to not only speed up your cutting process, but also prevent the cutter…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Wireframe Preview Options (Part 1) Preview Path Cuts Mini-Series

If you are working in wireframe mode a lot, then knowing what the different preview modes mean will go a long way. From being able to keep an artistic touch while designing, all the way to know the direction of the cuts that the cutter…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 (Mini-Series) Fill Preview and Paths Cut Direction, Video Index

This video is part of a mini-series for Fills in wireframe and which direction paths will be cutting.Index Below. When you looking to save time or you are working with wireframes a lot, then understanding what they mean in wireframe…

VinylCut 5 Software Brush Tool and a Handy Tip for Creating Circles, Step by Step Video

From making different size vector shapes to automatically joining overlay paths then this is the tool to use. You will now easily be able to make circles with just a few quick settings, adjust their sizes and color them to your hearts…

VinylCut 5 the Freehand Drawing Tool and Express Your Creativity, Step by Step Video

Tired of following strict rules when making paths, then the Freehand drawing tool is for you. Sometimes you have an idea for a path but you just can not get the right shape or flow, now with the Freehand Tool and ideally partnered…

VinylCut 5 Software the Draw Tool for Drawing Bezier Curves and Paths, Step by Step Video

Have you wandered how to draw nice flowing curves and paths but felt to intimidated by the idea? Drawing Bézier Curves and Paths using the Draw Tool and then using the Shape Tool to refine the curves, gives you more freedom to get…

VinylCut 5 Software Draw Tool to Easily Drawing Straight Lines, Step by Step Video

Having difficulty drawing basic straight lines in VinylCut 5, then this will simplify things for you. The Draw Tool is such a handy tool when it comes to drawing almost any type of path, needless to say it looks like a very complex…