SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 the Freehand Drawing Tool (Part 5) Working with Paths Mini-Series
flexistarter freehand drawing tool
When you have a steady hand and like to take control, then the Freehand Drawing Tool is for you.
If you however do not feel that confident in you like quality no fear, the new tolerance option will help you to smooth out those line with no extra editing.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Freehand Drawing Tool.
Previous video covered Drawing Arcs paths.
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Video Transcript
other guys in today's video flexi starter. We're going to be looking at the free hand drawing tool, but before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found a We make sure that easy to watch problem solving videos. And we also have daily updates otherwise, back in the programme. Yeah, you know, just a quick reminder. This is a very serious and parts and I will leave relevant links and description. So you guys actually follow along. So now in today's video, we're gonna be looking at the pencil or the free hand drawing tool. So in order to locate that, we can go here to our main toolbar on the left here, and you can simply with, uh, the path tool for me will be this one. The busier path. We can just click with the left mouse button holding, and we can navigate to our pens. You can also let's say you're using both of these a lot. You can click hold and then go past this point. Then I'll bring you up this little block. Then you can simply just docket on top year. So if you wanna quickly navigate between the two. So now, with a tool selected first of all, how it works is you simply left. Click with your mouth. Hold your mouse in and then you basically drawing shape as if it's a pencil New release. It will turn it into a path for you. Now, one thing to keep in mind if you want to create a closed path, then you want to simply just take your mouth back to the beginning. Toilet makes that little round icon by the starting point. You leave that it will create a closed part. So that is the basics on other tour actually works. Also another thing, if we keep controlling, I'm my apologies shift. Then we can make straight lines, so that is a handy feature to know. So if you want to make straight lines for measuring or so forth, you can do that. And then under our design central panel, which is here on the right, you guys should notice here we've got one option and that is tolerance. Now, basically, what this will do is in many ways, if you use to art programmes, it's the smoothing of the brush. I'm gonna put this on zero, and then we just draw a circle. I'm gonna go rather slow so my son can be messy. And then, as you can see how messy this line is now I'm gonna max this out. I think the next 20 let's do the same thing go rather slow. So you guys can see the result wasn't too bad. But now if I release that, you'll see it smooth is smooth, the line out a lot. So obviously play around, find balance that works for you as, um, you know where you find the the best setting By default. I think they live around five. But to me, even if I have a little bit too jacket, you can maybe 10 or 15 might create a nice, smooth line. Then just keep in mind. The smoother it is, obviously more is going to drive them, paid out any mess, so the lines are going to be honest and accurate, but it will be still quite accurate. Then another option. We've got years where you use the control are key, so if you had to make a line and he's control are key and you draw back on it it will try to raise those pieces. But keep in mind, this is quite a tricky tool. Something doesn't operate and where you would think it does. Like I've heard many times when we're racing and nothing happens. And next thing at a racist or like there you saw erase the burden, skipped a big area. So you know it's a yeah, I can erase with it, but in my opinion, it's a bit of a mess you can raise from both sides. If you get it right. I sometimes get it right, so maybe I'm just not too skilled with using this tool. But like there, you can see nothing's happening, and I don't know if I'm just doing something wrong. But if I would race normally like that, it works. So then suddenly it will just not work anymore. So let's try that again. Go from this side. You can see I can erase. And then here you go stopped working. I've had the lunch smaller, so I don't think it's just a, uh, max tolerance or brother minimum size you have. As you can see there, there's working wild. So anyway, so it's a bit buggy in my opinion, but it does work. And then, um yeah, that is the basics on using the, uh, free and drawing too. Be quite convenient if you wanna get quite unique shapes or rather, custom shapes. Otherwise, if we had here to zi loves you. Guys all know it's got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And also you can isolate your search on the top of right. If you do not, however, find what you're looking for, you can always go here, request a training video and then we will make that video for you. Otherwise, thanks, guys watching and choose.