VinylCut 5 the Cutter Cut Settings Overview (Part 1) Cut Settings Video Mini-Series

vinylcut cut settings overview
The Cut Settings vary from one cutter to the next based on the brand and model of the cutter and its built-in functionality.
So to have a great understanding of what does all the settings do, like always is an excellent starting point.
This video is part of a Mini-Series on the Cut Settings. Next video covers the Connection Settings.
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Video Transcript
All right, guys, in today's video final cut will be looking at the cut settings. Otherwise, if you have a Greek interest first, so today's video can be found on hat you guys will notice. We've got a variety of different software we do cover, and we also do upload videos daily. So just keep your eye there for any new content. Otherwise, back in the programme, Yeah, now, just so you guys know before I get into the tutorial, this is a miniseries on the cut settings. We'll be going into depth into most of what the settings do in, uh, different videos. I will leave links in the description so you can actually follow along with the miniseries and then, yeah, so let's get into it. So to locate your cutter for the settings for the cutter, you can either click this little, um, paper icon whether it looks like it's got a cutting blade or almost looks like a pen, actually, but this is more what colour blade looks like. You can click that or you go to the top menu year to Kata, and then we'll go down to cut with, and then it will be the name of your model. Okay, so I am not select that or open up, open up proper menu for the actual settings. Now, like I mentioned, this is just an overview. We're going to depth about what most of these settings do. But then, um, so let's just start on top here. We've got the, um, tabs. So different options will be under these tabs Was going to work on for the general good layers cut by coloured tiles and extras. Then, uh, if we kept on the general year, which we'll be covering today, just the overview we've got, like, your actual connexion settings and that. So this will be the which carriages was it connected by a serial port USB. So forth which port? And then you also refresh It doesn't pick up your, you know, your cutter there. And then under that there, we also have the option for settings, and this will be the actual colour settings. So I can go into, uh, see the individual settings for you've got multiple colours set up and so forth. Then we've got the test Connexion, where you can make sure you're Qatar is actually connected to your programme and we've got here cut settings. And this will be basically the cut mode and stuff like that which will also cover you can, like, isolated by selection and flip it and so forth. Then under that we've got the cutting and drawing section because some no, it's not just cutting some, um, machines can also draw so you can do depth and all of those types of things. So we, uh, yeah, this is basically where you can set up presets. You can see that the way you like it for that kinda and safe presets. And then depending on what you're kind of doing, which job and so forth, you can adjust it accordingly. The bottom. Here, we've got print plus cuts. Obviously, if you're using a like if you're making stickers or so forth, you can actually print the front and cut it. Dana, it's not safe to file and then got cut. So then, on our right here, this is our preview settings. So, like most things we've got, zoom in, zoom out and we can put the design to the window and with and so forth got a cut over as well And this will also be you can see the orientation of your cutter. So at the moment will be pushing everything through in that direction. So, uh, verdict. You can set that up. We've done that in another video. You can actually set up orientation of your mat so that you know which way it's going to be cutting it. And yeah, So stay tuned for some future videos. We're covering more in depth. But these things do Otherwise, um, you guys go to final cut out seal today. The programme is freely available. They're just navigate to the downloads page, then under Uh, you guys can find this video and more like it. Um, like I mentioned earlier, we've got a variety of different Softwares. Will you cover? And also, you can isolate your associate. If you look for anything specific, then if you don't find what you're looking forward, just go here to request a training video, and then we'll make that point. Otherwise, thanks, guys watching and chips