TruCUT RDWorks Setting the Point Lengths (Part 14) the LGP Design Videos Mini-Series

rdworks setting point lengths
When it comes to the Point Lengths option, these works exactly the same as the Line Type Point Lengths.
Something worth noting when it comes to setting the lengths, and that is if your points are set to Round Preview then setting the lengths will increase their size instead of only width.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers LGP Design – Reversed Values.
Previous video covered LGP Design – Circle Spacing.
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Video Transcript
Hi guys. In today's video, Andrew R D works. We're gonna be looking at setting your circles point length for the L G P design feature. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. Mm. Uh, so today's video can be found on Today. We make sure we need to watch problem solving videos and we also have daily updates otherwise, back in the programme here. Just a quick reminder once again that this is a miniseries on the L. G P design and I will leave relevant links and description so you guys can float along. Otherwise, when it comes to this feature, this is similar to our lines type. We could set its length. So now let's just quickly look at sitting in a circle. So now if we head to the future here on a draw bar, I'm gonna just add a quick circle year with some lines. Are there is something to keep in mind about this when we set the length very quickly, it can just become a solid line, as I will demonstrate here. So if we go on to the settings, we've got point our n for length When you said this and I had to increase this let's say we make this two click apply. You can see we just about have a solid line now And that is because of the spacing. So it is very important when you're playing with this. If you're going to a positive value, so you're making it bigger to increase the spacing as well. So if you make this full system apply now, you can see we've got a bit longer point. But it is still readable because of the spicy. Now you can obviously also do the gradient. So I'm gonna make this just back to one again. Default. Then we could really go gradients. And now we wanted to slowly increase in size. Let's go 0.5 years, we're going to have a bit of a little bit of a lion somewhere again. Let me go. So now it will slowly increase. I know what I'm gonna do. You can either, um, just increase the spacing again. But what I want to do is maybe increase the gradient spaces. So that way it is close and then, as it goes, further goes further away. But now because I think it's getting bigger. Spacing stays a bit more relevant. Obviously, you can adjust this till you find something you like before you wanna sit this maybe two like one. Then you have something that's a bit more courses gradually go bigger. So that is a yeah, that is how you can set your length. So obviously you can work with gradients and you can just see the individual lengths, But keep in mind, it is quite relevant to your point distant like I mentioned before. So if this distance is, uh, too close, it's just gonna become a solid line, which is pretty much the ones unusable, but just about unusable. But otherwise, yeah, that is it on the point length. Um, there is also ways of, uh, getting these values and to do the opposite. So if you wanted to go from a big smaller, you can do this, but we will cover that in another video. Otherwise, if we had here to You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares would recover, and also you can isolate. You're searching on the top of the right. If you do not, however, find the training videos looking for Simply go here requested training video, filling the uniform. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and shits.