FabriCAM Software Parts Selection and Information (Part 2) Step by Step Video Tutorial
fabricam parts selection information
When you are working with parts and adding them to your three dimensional workspace, selection is a big deal.
On the other hand when you are in need of some information concerning the parts at hand, you would like to know where to find that.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Removing Parts form List.
Previous video covered Parts Preview Panel.
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Video Transcript
All right, guys, in today's video, we're going to be looking at your part selection and information that can be found under the panel or Parts and sheets panel. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. And we make sure that easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise, if we head back to the programme here now, in the previous video, we looked at the previous section for this miniseries, and now we're gonna be looking at the part selection and information so they can be found right beneath it. And then I'm going to zoom in here for you guys are gonna have a better look. So now the first thing is, we've got on top year, uh, titles. You can say that separate what we're looking at underneath that, and then also we can cheque you at the bottom. We've got a little slider bar, which you can go sideways, and then we've got more information available. So that is something to keep in mind. So it's not just the full, uh, info you can get, but there is more. And then also, you can just simply select the part, and then it will highlight that part. So if you want to add a new one, you would select that or remove one. You'll select that on the actual, uh, three d view port. So now this is, um Yeah. So the to also to make sure they selected it will be blue. And obviously the preview on top will change. Now, when it comes to the actual information for these things, Uh, the first option we have is number. So this will be number one number two. So this is not how many numbers there is of it. It's not the quantity, but rather how it's ordered. So this one is our first shape. We've got the red circle, and then we've got this weird Mexican looking thing as our second shape. Then next up, we've got name. So now you can give it custom names when you add the parts. But I currently just left it at the default. So if I have to find the part again, it's easy to you. So I know. Okay, this is p 13 p 10 and so forth. And then after that, we've got quantity nesting, and then next to that, we've got manual nesting. So if you're mainly gonna add the parts here, you'll say how many and then, like we mentioned before, if you go on the top left here by the preview, you can see we've got four out of 10, and by manual quantity, we can see we've got 10 overall. Now, if I go to the next two options by assuming here, this will be information about your actual material that it is for so we can see the thickness of the material is one. And then we also have material, which is still so now we know. Okay, this is for the steel materials, not aluminium or stainless steel. And we also have a thickness, but yeah, so that is it on your selection and information. So just quick recap again. It's a selection. We simply click on the one we want and it will be highlighted in blue. And obviously you will also see a preview of. So that's how you know you have the right one selected. So when you add it to your actual three of you put at the wrong one. And then when it comes to information, we can look on top here. What are we looking at? And then the value will be underneath that. Otherwise, yeah, that is it on the selection and information. If we head here to softwaretraining.co.za. Guys will notice. We've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on the top of right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward. Just simply go. Yeah, requested training video. Fill in the many form. Then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks guys, for watching until next one just