FabriCAM Software Practical Workflow Using Remnants (Part 2) Step by Step Video Tutorial

fabricam practical workflow remnants
Now that we have covered the Remnant tool and all its options, we will be looking at a practical workflow.
When it comes to the workflow of working with CAM tools the process might vary some, but with the Remnant it should stay quite consistent.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Entries-Exits & Part Sequence.
Previous video covered Practical Microjoints & Bridges.
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Video Transcript
hi guys. In today's video, we're going to be looking at a practical of the remnant feature, but before that, let's have a quick intro first, so today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. We make short and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates otherwise went into the programme here. So, like I mentioned, there's gonna be another practical on using the remnant feature. And this is not going to be so much in depth of what these features do, but rather just a basic workflow. Also, just a small disclaimer like I normally mention this actual workflow might vary depending on your desired outcome, but when it comes to remnant, it's probably gonna be very similar. Um, as to the bridges and, uh, Michael joints could change a bit. So what I wanna do? First of all, I want to make a new sheet. Now, this is quite important that you know what size is. She is because when you use your remnant, it's going to be relevant to the side. So I'm going to 1000 by 1000, I said, My thickness here to six and then say Okay. Now with our sheet, we want to add some parts where we have something to cut out. Who's gonna go once again, crop something simple. About 502 100. And at about three of these, I'm gonna make it, uh, nesting, so we can quickly add them. Set the speed of it down next. There we go. Very simple. We've got a little, uh, shapes on we want to cut up, and obviously we want to save this sheet. And ideally, in a way so that the programme can read what is left so we can build upon that. So I do that. I'm gonna go to my cam, go to my remnant tool. Now, as you guys remember, we've got the two different versions we use Got the alter, and we've got the normal. So I'm gonna go on top for now just so that we can snap it nicely, have a nice, clean remnant. Then I'm gonna click on my remnant tool. It's gonna ask us, Do we want to bring it from the vertical or horizontal? I'm gonna see horizontal, which means no. And then I'm gonna make my first click over here and then I might be a little bit on the edge there. Let me just go a little bit further as well. There we go. And then click outside the box here at the bottom. There we go. Now we've got our remnants on the side. Some dimensions. We can choose to rotate it or not. But like I mentioned, we're not gonna go into much of the settings then, very importantly, gonna click save. I'm gonna just save it to a remnant. Far. Remember where this is. Your location is quite important. So save. And yes. Then I'm going to say okay. And then, um oh, wait for us to finish shaving, Should I say and then I'm gonna say Okay, Yeah. So now what we can do is I'm gonna close this up. Let's say we've done our project. Now we need to have other cutouts on that same remnant file. Then I'm gonna go file, make new sheet, or just click here a new sheet, and then I'm gonna click the right size and then under the size, I'm gonna go here import to remnant. So we want to select that Select a remnant that we saved us and then say open. Here we go. We've got a remnant. You can see it looks the same as the one we exported previously. Saved. I'm gonna say Okay, then set our thickness. I wanna say just six again and say Okay, over here and there. You see, we've got our remnant in. So now we can put all our other cutouts over here and carry on with the project and not waste any material. Um, for the project, So yeah, otherwise, that is it on the practical. So just a quick recap and things that is most important is obviously make sure your new sheet is a set size. Then after you've done your remnants, save it to a file. And then, um, when you wanna load it, you have to go new sheet selected and say import remnant. Yeah, I was in the Meanwhile, if we head here to softwaretraining.co.za z. You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah, request the training video filling the uniform. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and shares.