All right, guys, in today's video, we're gonna be looking at how to convert your logo to a bit map using Photoshop, and this will be within fabric camp or should I say, four fabric camp. But before that, let's have a quick intro first, so today's video can be found on We make sure that easy to watch problem solving videos. We also have daily updates otherwise back into the tutorial. Yeah, so now when it comes to dealing with Photoshop, it's very similar to the method we're using gimp, with one exception at the end, which is quite important. But we will cover that now. So now you could most probably also right click and say open with. But I find it's easier with Photoshop just to first open Photoshop. And then once it's open, you go to open over here or you go. If yours does not have it, you go to file and we go to open. Click that, and they want to navigate to where your logo is located selected, and then we say open. Wait for it to load. I'm just gonna zoom in here so you guys can see it better. Then what we wanna do is we want to add a new layer as well. I'm just gonna zoom in here so you guys can see at the bottom. I'm gonna kick this little plus and then that added as a new layer. And then what I want to do is go to a full bucket on our menu. If you do not see the full bucket here, you might have to might see the gradient like this. And then you have two left, click and hold your mouse and they'll pop up, pop up another menu. Then I'm gonna go to paint bucket to Then when I make sure our colour over here said two white use the paint bucket tool and then on our layers menu, I'm gonna select the white layer with left click, hold it in and drag it under my other layer. And as you can see there now, it is behind the blue. Now where the method is gonna change now as to how we did it in game and game, we would go file and we go export. Then we'll do it where this is the export as but this is not the right way. So what do we want to do is we're gonna go to save as instead and select that, and then we want to navigate to where we want to save it. I'm gonna change my name to be MP for bit map image. Then from the save as type, I'm gonna just zoom in here so you guys can see I'm gonna select this. And then from the drop down menu, we go to BMP, which ar minus the third one. Select that and then say, Say, it's gonna give us this little message how we wanna save it. I'm gonna leave us a default. But you can easily change your image to 16 bit if it's not too detailed. Say okay. And they had saved. Now if I had to go to the actual image, we can just preview it. There we go. We can see it is saved correctly. So that's the way you will do it. If you're using Photoshop, uh, similar to game just at the end, instead of exporting as you will be going safe hands. Well, otherwise, if we had yet to Today you guys will notice we've got a variety of different software we do cover. And you can also isolate your surgery on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward. Just simply go here, requested training video for lending uniform, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers. 10:48:422024-12-14 06:23:44FabriCAM Software Print Job Logo to BMP Photoshop (Part 3) Step by Step Video Tutorial