FabriCAM Software Print Job Logo to BMP CorelDRAW (Part 4) Step by Step Video Tutorial
fabricam logo bmp coreldraw
Now with converting a logo image to the Bitmap file format we will be looking at using CorelDRAW.
When it comes to using CorelDRAW to convert the logo it is by mare the most different from all other the methods.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers PJ Adding a Report Logo.
Previous video covered PJ Logo to BMP Photoshop.
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Video Transcript
All right, guys, In today's video, we're gonna be looking at how to convert your logo to a bit map using coral Graw and this will be done for fabric camp. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. We make sure needs to watch problem solving videos and we also have daily updates. Otherwise we went back to the tutorial. Yah! Now the last way of converting we're gonna be looking at is with coral. Draw wears a little bit more complicated, I would say if you can do with paint, it's definitely the easiest way, in my opinion. But you have a bit more control when it comes to these types of programmes like Photoshop gimp or coral draw. So now with coral draw after you've opened it, you might be met with his welcome screen. Now, this can be a bit confusing because, um, how you doing a coral draw instead of going file open, then you actually this cannot open bit matte format. So what you wanna do is you want to go to file import, but as you can see here. The import is currently great out. We cannot use it. So what you wanna do? You wanna start making new sheet, which I'm going to go on this little plus here next to our current welcome screen Click that. I'm just gonna leave everything here default. Maybe the DP I'll change just because we don't need it for prints. So I'm gonna go 72 for the d. P. I and say Okay, now, we met with this little blank screen. So now if we go to file, you will see import is available. So then we want to simply click that and you want to navigate to where your logo is located, which, in my case, I'm already there selected. And then we say, import, And then it's gonna give you this little, uh, cursor where you want to add your thing. It doesn't really matter, because we're gonna export straight from the image. So now you want to put this in. Now, if for some reason you do not have it selected anymore, you may be selected off. Make sure your selection tool is enabled here, or your pick tool, and then you want to select the actual shape. Then what we wanna do is wanna right. Click this and then we want to go to let me just find it again. You're safe bit map as just zoom in there. So we're gonna click that, and then it's gonna pop up our dialogue box like before. Then I'm just gonna first leave this on a PNG because this will be, I think, the default. Let's just try to find that quick. Pdf, Maybe I'm just looking at, but any case, So what I'll do is I'll normally leave it on the default. Just name it. So I'm just gonna call this BMP for now, then all the actual file as type or save as file, I'm gonna make sure this is set to Windows bit map. I'm not sure. I think that Yeah, they've got to. They've got both map os two bit map, but we want to go to windows. But, man gonna select that one and then, uh, sorry. I apologise, Sharon, between I assume that just go again. Safe with my pass. We're gonna call this BMP now. You can also select from the bottom year selected only. So that way we'll make sure we only exporting the actual image we have selected. Then we wanna go, uh, export. Or you can do is you can compress it. But I'm gonna leave this as default, so they compress. Now it's gonna give you an option here where you can set the actual resolution of it. Now, at sometimes it is necessary. I could set a way too big, as you can see. Yeah, I'm gonna make the dp I 72 and then you can scale it now to a size you want it, make sure you're maintaining aspect. Ratio is enabled. And then under colour, you can go colour mode and said this to eight. But if you wanted to, I'm gonna leave mine a default. And I'm gonna leave anti realising on as well, so I kind of just smoothing the edges then, um, I kind of have a prediction of how big this file is gonna be, and then you can say okay. And then it will export that file for you. So now if I navigate to the actual folder, we can preview it. You can see it's even smaller than what they said is 24 kilobytes open this and you can see there is a file. So the process is a little bit longer here if you use a coral draw, but you have a lot of control over it as well. Otherwise, if we are to head year to softwaretraining.co.za. You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search on the top of right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward. Just simply go here requesting training video, fill in the entry form and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thank you guys for watching and cheers.