FabriCAM Software CAM Contours Internal vs External (Part 2) Step by Step Video Tutorial
fabricam contours internal external
Now that we looked at the bases of removing a parts Contour, we will be looking at the difference between the Contour types.
This video is part of a Mini-Series that covers all the different Contour options available.
Next video covers Contours of the Same Shape.
Previous video covered CAM ST Delete Contours.
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Video Transcript
All right, guys, In today's video, we're gonna be looking at the difference between internal and external contours for the contours feature. This will be for fabric camp software, but before all of that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. We make sure that easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise, we're heading to the programme here. I'm just gonna quickly add some parts. I'm gonna use this circle with a circle inside of it about 302 100 I wanna add two of these add parts. It's gonna add them here side by side. Then what I wanna do is I'm gonna add in another part. Just afterwards we can look at multiple contours, so we're gonna make this 1 300. 200. Let's make this one about 50. This one about 100 on this one. About 80 ad. You know, I'm gonna add your manual quantities. Just one. I'm going to add this to the shape you're under it. Almost a little bit of a face over here. So now what's gonna happen is I'm gonna do that again. We're gonna the first one over here. We select this and we go into our camp because in order for the contours to work, we need to be in our camp, obviously. So I'm gonna select the shape he did the league contours button here. And now we can see under our contour the other bottom next to the preview. We've got external contour and internal contour so you can choose which ones you want to delete. Now, if you have to click on a little delete button, you'll see it updated here on the actual right, so we can see which one you want to delete. So on the first one, I mean, this can be confusing at times. Um, so just remember, this is the one you are deleting. Uh, not the one you are keeping. So I'm gonna delete the external contour on our first one. Say, Okay, then, Um, next up, what I wanna do is I wanna delete on this one, the internal contour. So this one should not only cut the centre because they deleted the outside. And then if I go to this one, we wanted to leave the inside so that it only cuts the outside now. Already, If I zoom in here, you guys can see that. Let me grab this tool can see here. We've got our line coming up from the bottom. Then it goes to the external, and then it goes right through no joint there to this one's internal. Now, at the moment, it does look like it's coming back to the external. So I'm gonna hit a quick preview here and just see what's happening. So I'm gonna go to N. C, then. As you can see, it is still cutting the outside contour. So I'm just gonna go back and make sure we, uh, delete that so it can happen at times, so just keep that in mind. And if you like this, if we can't select anything, don't worry. Just keep your cam button and hit it again. Then we'll be back to bailing to edit these things. So I'm gonna go contour as we see the external contour still there? I'm gonna make sure I select that. Say Okay, there we go. Now we can see it's updated. So if I go to the N. C. preview. You can see it's cutting the external one year and the internal one there. So that is the main differences between the external and internal. Just keep in mind. Like I said, once elected as the one you're deleting, it can get confusing. I'm not sure why, but I find it at times that especially when you're working with just two contours, when it comes to the shape of the bottom we find selected and we go to delete contours, we'll see. Now you're next to the preview. We've got three different contours. It's nice that they're naming for you so you can see external. And then there's internal two of them going to one and two. So now you can simply just click on these little blocks to see which one is selected and that it will delete. So if we select the right one who said the elite now we can see if I zoom in here. This one hits over here. There's a little mark will cut out, and then it will go straight past this one to the to the next shape, which is convenient. But yeah, otherwise that is it. Our internal and external contours. So we have both of them. We can select. One is for external. One is for internal Now, this will vary on your design and what you're going for. You might want to like this. You have the same shape, but one shape. You want to go full round the other one only, um, the centre or only the outside. I see this one is defaulted back to normal. And yeah, so then you can actually adjust those ones and, um, have it cut correctly. Yeah, otherwise, in the meanwhile, if we had here to softwaretraining.co.za z. You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover and you can also isolate. You're searching on the top of right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah, request the training video filling in uniform. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and just