The Different Contour Cutting Types within the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 1)
flexiprint contour cutting types
Now when it comes to the Contour Cuts, we have a number of different types that we are able to choose from.
Some of these Contour Cut types are simple and straight forward, where others a bit more dynamic.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Additional Options.
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Video Transcript
and you guys in today's video, we're going to be looking at different contour types within flexi print. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on co dot Z A. We make sure and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Now, if we add into the programme here, so this is gonna be a mini series on Contour types or should I rather say Contour cut? And it is important that we don't mistake it for the Range Contour, but I'll quickly show you guys the difference. But before that, let's just create a few shapes. So I'm gonna make a rectangle. Let's make an oval or circle as well and then a custom shape with a draw tool. So from the drop down menu, select the draw tool and let's just make some custom shape this. Rearrange this with some white space between them. Okay, so now, like I mentioned, this, was not confused with the contour cut from the range menu. So the main difference let me zoom in here so we can, uh, have a zoom operator, so I'm gonna select this uh, oval here. So the one from the range menu. If we go onto a cut over there, make onto a cut, it will turn our shape into a contour. Now it is important to note the difference. So the other one will add as a contour around our shape. This one will make our actual shape a contour. So this one is great. If you're looking for a unique contour, then you can draw a custom shape and turn that shape into a contour Where, um, the, um, next one, I'm gonna be showing if you want to keep your shape, but add a contour and you can maybe have an offset or so Then you can use that one. So I'm just gonna undo that with control Z. Now, let's go to our actual contour under a fix. So once again, just to locate it on your main menu on top, go to a fix and you'll see we have this option you can to a cut. Now the thing that sets this apart, if we want to set this contour once we click it on our design central, you on the right, you will see we have some options pop up now, by default, it might be under the top one. Contour. At the moment, I've got mindset to eclipse, so it's like a form of oval. Now, you can simply just go here on the viewport and, uh, drag these arms to set it accordingly. If you choose a corner one, it will keep the proportion similar. And then, um, here we go. So you can see your contour. Choose how far you want away from your shape, then, uh, a very important thing. If you wanna confirm it, just make sure you click this little right arrow on the design central panel. If you press escape, then it's gonna cancel it. I think if you press enter, it confirms it as well. Yeah, there we go. So you can press enter as a quick, uh, shortcut, but otherwise, just click the little green arrow and it will add a contour for you. So now the next one on our list of the types, we're gonna go to a fix again, go on to a cut, and then, as you might notice that you can actually apply a oval or a eclipse to different shapes. So I can add it to the square if I want it. And then I can also scale it up so that we cover all the borders. So let's say you have a different type design and you wanna have a O cut for it. You can do that. But I'm just gonna go here on the drop down menu, and then we go to rectangle, so this will be the second option or the middle option. Here we go, Rectangular and likewise. Now we can adjust this, and, uh so we have a nice breathing area. But like I mentioned, make sure you press or click this little green arrow. Otherwise, it will cancel that contour for you. Then the last one on our list. We have this custom shape. Now this one is best if you're gonna, uh, use the contour type itself. So let's just quickly go there again. So we go fix, we go, uh, contour cut, and then under the type on top here, we're gonna go to Contour. And if I click this, it's gonna take the shape. And we have a nice little control arm here that we can use. Um, you can either set the where the contour is gonna be working from. So maybe if you have two shapes to close or you want, like a nice, breathable area, you can just move it there And then if we click this and we drag it as you can see here, it will adjust the contour for us. Now, my personal preference is you just keep it on contour the first one Unless you're looking for anything specific cause the beauty like I said with the first one, is we can, uh, create any shape here. Let's create another one. Oops. Go to a rectangle, create a rectangle if it is on contour Now if I go, it's gonna go. Maybe do this Quick, Add a contour you'll see Now turn it into a rectangle. It's inter Select this one. Do the same Xs Contour Cut. Now you will see it creates a rectangle around this. Now obviously you can try and make these corners sharper and so forth But in general, this will be, um, a great default to use to make the corner shop as easy. But we're gonna cover that in another video. But yeah, otherwise that is it on the contour types very handy. Like, if you know, you're gonna be working with a specific shape for all your, um, specific cut for all your con, uh, designs, then you can always set it up to one of these. Otherwise, if you just wanna have a generic type contour around the shape, then just leave it on the first option. But yeah, in the meanwhile, though, if we head here to co dot Z a, you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go, Yeah, request the training video, fill in the mini form, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers