Hi guys. In today's video, we're gonna be looking at how we can create or convert images to Vector or, in our case here, a p N g to A S V g file. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. And we make short and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise, we're back into the tutorial here. So now, in the previous, uh, tutorial, we looked at a few sites where we can get vector images, and today we're gonna be looking at how we can convert a normal image into a vector image. Now, in order to do this, we're gonna need a few things. So obviously we're gonna need an image and we're also gonna need a programme called Inca. So what you can do is you simply go to escape dot org the programme is free and then you can download it and just install it before you carry on with this tutorial. If you wanna follow along then after it is installed, then what you wanna do is obviously select and save your image. I'm just gonna right click here, Say, save image navigate where I want to save it. As you can see, I already saved it there. Now it is something to keep in mind. If you're lucky enough and you get a P and G or J Peg, then you can go straight away. But as you can see here, currently we have safe as type we p That's the only option it gives us. So, um, for this, we have to do one extra step. So with our image saved now, what I wanna do is I wanna head gear to our actual folder where it's saved. Got the image here. So now I want to convert it to a p N G or something on that line. So I'm gonna go P and G. I'm gonna right click this and then we go open with and then I'm gonna choose to edit with paint. So Microsoft paint There's other ways we can go about it. But this is a very simple method to go back. Now. If you don't see paint under this option, just go here, choose another app. Then you navigate down till you find paint. And if it's still not there, you got more apps and you can go manually search for it on your computer. So I say, OK, and have this open. There we go. We've got it in paint now. I'm simply gonna go file, Save as then we've got a few different options here we can choose from, or what you can do is when you go to file, save as we go on that little arrow and now we have the different options here. So I'm gonna go P N g then, um, in the same folder, I'm gonna call a car and then just p n g behind it. So I know which one's the right one, they say, And then they just warn you, it's gonna you're gonna lose all transparency from the background or the image. That's fine. I don't need it. And I'm gonna close here and now What we want to do is we want to open. Now that we've got this new image saved, we wanna open our inks, and then I'm gonna go file, and then we go open, and then I'm gonna navigate to that card dot p N g say open and then it's gonna give us a few options. I'm gonna leave it a default. So as you can see, we've got embedded from file and for the Splenda and that we've got auto, So I'm gonna say, OK, just wait for it to load. There we go. We've got our image in here, but at the moment, this is just a photo, so it's not a vector. If I go to vector editing on top here underneath the arrow, you can see nothing happens. So now with this selected with our image selected, it is quite important. I'll just zoom out a bit. I wanna go here on top to path and then we go to trace bid map. Now, the settings here will change a bit depending on your design outcome if you've got colour and so forth. But mine is just black and white, so I'm gonna leave it. I'm gonna go leave it on brightness cut off and all the other settings. I'm gonna leave the same so at default. So you know, I'll just go through there so you can see the settings. So if you need to adjust it, then I'm gonna go here on the right to update. It's gonna give me a little preview so I can see. Ok, cool. There's nothing wrong. I've got a nice black and white image of the car, and then I'm gonna say apply now. You can see suddenly our car became a selection. So I'm just gonna move this off here to the bottom, Then select the image again and delete that. Just hide this panel on the right, drag this back. And now we have a vector of that car. That's simple. So if I click vector editing, you can see Yep, this is a vector. We can adjust it like normal graphics. Almost feels like cheating, but it's very convenient. So now you can always make changes to this vector to fit your design needs more if you need. And then once that is done, then what you wanna do is save it in a format which the, um, fabric cam understands. So I'm gonna go file, and then we go save as you navigate where you want to save it to and then from the save as type of year, select the drop down and then what we want to do is we want to navigate till we find this x d f. So I'm going to do the R 14 or more later version. Select that, and then you can just type in your name. I'm gonna call this, uh, d x f Save it, sleep everything as it is and say OK, and now if you go in the programme, you should be able to import this Our videos, unfortunately, running a bit long, so I'm not gonna show it. But if you run into the programme, you import it and your car, so there's a little block on the cutting thing and what you do is you simply just scale this one up, export it again, go import it until you find a size that you like. There's ways to go about measuring it and so forth. But like I said, this video is a bit short or running a bit long, so we will, unfortunately not be covering that. But yeah, otherwise that is it on actually converting images to vector. It's very simple. You might have multiple layers and you just delete the white background if you add one. Otherwise, in our case, it was simple. We only have one layer here, which is the car, but yeah, otherwise, if we head here to softwaretraining.co.za. You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah, request the training video, fill in the mini form and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.
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