FabriCAM Software P11 from our Intermediate Flat Parts (Part 6) Step by Step Video Tutorial
fabricam intermediate flat parts p11
Next up on our list is another intermediate part that is a combination of curves and straight lines.
If you use the settings available for this part you are able to create a sideways oval as well.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Intermediate Flat Part P12.
Previous video covered P10 Hexagon Circle Combo.
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Video Transcript
Alright guys, in today's video with intermediate part, we're gonna be looking at part number 11 and this is for the flat part. But before that, let's have a quick intro first, so today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za z day. We make sure it's easy to watch problem solving videos and we also have daily updates the ways we're back into the programme here. Now we're gonna be looking at Like I said, part 11, this one gets a little bit more complicated as some values cannot be larger than others. And then, uh, like we've covered before some of the basic shapes you can see. Um, it makes that shape a little bit more challenging, but obviously the more values you can adjust, and then if you have that factor involved, that shape becomes a bit more challenging. So now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to flat parts. We look for P 11, which is over here openness, and then we can see here from the little preview dialogue box or a pop up box we've got your X is basically the width of it. We've got rounding one which is the top and rounding to our two is the running to the right. You can see the valley here as well. Now I have gotten errors before when, Let's say I made my, um, uh, my ex or just a combination of my R one and R two when they were way too big or bigger than my actual X. I would get an error, but it's not always the case. It's not like a set rule that if these numbers together is larger than X, then it gives you an error, will show you a preview, something you have to give you a hero. So I would say good practise, probably just to keep that in mind. If you do get an error, it might be that these two values are larger than your X or two way too much larger than your ex, then something you do have to keep in mind, though, is, um uh are two cannot be larger than our one, so the rounding on the right here can't be larger or on the side. It can't be larger than your top and bottom, so I'll show you this. So if we go 101 I say, Okay, you'll see. Just doesn't wanna do anything. And it goes to the problem. Which is this one? Just in my case, or we actually this one. Now, if we had to go and make this one, let's say, uh, 99 say Okay, now we've got a preview over here, as you can see, So that is something giving money with the shape that are too cannot be larger than our one. Uh, one cannot be smaller than our to obviously. Same thing, actually. So let's just make this one something like maybe 30 or 2020 rather say, Okay, see what the shape looks like. It's too small, just like maybe this one about 50. Yeah, it's a bit better. It's closer to the sample we've got. In any case, not quite, but it's getting there. Go manual nesting at one at this, and then we just quickly add this part to our actual metal sheet. So just a quick recap again. So the important thing about this one if we go to flat parts p 11 or part 11 is that sometimes you can get errors if your R one and R two together is larger than your ex and also, um, are two cannot be larger than our one, but yeah, otherwise, that is on P 11 or part 11. Uh, if we had to softwaretraining.co.za. You guys are motors. We've got a variety of Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on top of right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward. Just simply go. Yeah, request the training video filling the mini form. And then we'll do our best to make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.