FabriCAM Software Practical Training Exercise Widget (Part 14) Step by Step Video Tutorial
fabricam training exercise widget
When you are Navigating the three dimensional space, the Widget feature if quite a easy way to go about it.
That being said, the Widget has a few sort comings seeing that not all of the navigation options are available.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Practical Exercise Mouse.
Previous video covered Practical Exercise Functions.
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Video Transcript
Yeah. Hi there, guys. In today's video, we're gonna be looking at a practical exercise using your widget to navigate your three D space. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. We make sure an easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise, we head back into the tutorial here. Now, this is our second practical, and we'll be focusing on the widget now, obviously, if you find 11 method way more comfortable than the rest, uh, I would recommend to spend a few more extra minutes on that practical and then, yeah, but I also recommend normally for, uh, people learning for the first time these things try, do it with me, perhaps ones, and then afterwards, what you do is without the video, you try to follow the same process by yourself, and if you find that simple enough than what you can do is play around a bit. But you don't have to worry too much because the more you use this programme, the more comfortable you will get with these things. But it is important to at least get a foundation, um, down on them so that when you actually wanna create, like I mentioned before, you don't waste too much time trying to figure out how to navigate your 30 space. But yeah, like I mentioned today, we're gonna be looking at the widget here on the top, right corner. So what I like to do is I keep my move tool or my pan tool, um, active so that I can at any time, just pan the seeing that the switch, it does not come with a pan, and obviously it also does not come with the zoom. We did already cover the zoom in the previous little exercise, so I'm not gonna cover that. And today's practical today, we're only going to be looking at mostly what the widget has to offer. So now the first thing I want you to do well, maybe start a bit of a reverse here. So today I want you to go down around this using this, um, widget. So obviously, if you left click on this block sits on the circle, it's gonna rotate it around. But what we're gonna do is left like this block and we try to go right around this block. Now I want you to kind of if you can keep it as straight and parallel as you can, because this tool allows for it very well. And then the next thing I want you to do is rotated left and right. And this is where you'll notice things get a bit interesting. It's gonna zoom out one so you can see nicely. And that is we can't just click here and turn left and right. As you can see, it starts rotating it. So then what you want to do is you want to rotate your left and right up to the up and down position. So and then we do the same process rotated around. So that is a little something to have to get used to, in my opinion. And what we can do is we click this top one to snap it to the view again, and then we go on this little ring and then we click it and then we rotated full around, if you can. Then you might have to leave and rotate again. And then so you get to a nice position. And also in this one it is good practise. And let's say you go in a weird angle is to kind of hit the snapping area, the closest which might get away with this corner. Just zoom in so you can see a bit better. So you see this little corner. So we're gonna click on that, and then it snaps to our view, so it makes it easier to work. So I would recommend Let's say you are working from another angle perhaps, Um, let's say flat on this side. And sometimes what can happen is you can be an angle like this. Then you just quickly go snap, and then it will align it for you a bit better. So, yeah, otherwise, that is it. On the practical, you can consider running through it a few times. Once again, try to rotate this thing again right around top and bottom left and right, which was the left, obviously has a good idea to first rotate your east and west, perhaps to up and down position. You can always go then and then, uh, also a full circle rotation. It's a good idea and practise some snapping. So the snapping, like I said, you must be using to get those, um, interesting angles snap into it is nicely in your view. Otherwise, that is it on the practical for the widget. Like I said, there's a few things missing, like zoom and pan, but we can combine the two to make it a bit more practical. Otherwise, before we get to the last one. If we head here to softwaretraining.co.za I'll see you guys will notice. We've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search on the top of right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward to simply go, yeah, requested training video filling the uniform. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching until next one, which is, uh,