Yeah. Alright, guys, In today's video, we're gonna be looking at part number 22 from our advanced flat parts. But before that, let's have a quick intro first, so today's video can be found on z. We make sure needs to watch problem solving videos and we also have daily updates. Otherwise we're back into the programme here and now today's shape. Once again, it's gonna be a continuation on a or should I say, uh, altering of another intermediate shape. In our case, it's going to be the shape that looked a bit like an owl. But the exception of this shape is we're gonna be adding some pampering to the bottom left corner. So if we go flat parts, we open that and what we want to do is go to 22. If I zoom in here on a little, um, sample, you guys will notice there's five different options we can set now. So we've got the height, the with or pretty much you can say that the height of the first rectangle, the width of the second rectangle. Then we've got over here on top. We've got the width of the first rectangle and then we've got the height of the second rectangle. So we've got a, B, C and D. And then lastly, we've got the champagne bring, which is here at the bottom on E. So the bottom left corner. So let's fill in a quick quick for you details here just to see how that works. So I'm gonna make this on 200. Let's make the bottom one larger. 400 perhaps. Then see? So the width of the first one I'm gonna go this one about 50 and then the bottom one. I'm gonna make this one, maybe 100. It's gonna be not quite an l shape. Gonna separate from it a bit. Now with our actual sampling, I'm gonna go about 50 just to see what that looks like. And then let's say okay and preview that we go. We've got an odd little shape there. It's by no means an L shape. But just to show you that you can vary up, the size is quite drastically. You can make this one even a little little corner here. So obviously this will depend on your product you're looking for and the measurements were according to that. Yeah, let's go manual 21. I'm gonna say add. And then we add this to actual design sheet three on the top corner here just to take up less space. But yeah, So that is it on p 22 or part number 22? Like I said, it's kind of an advanced version of the original hell shape. Otherwise, we're here to z. You guys will notice you've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on the top of right. And if you do not find the videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah, request the training video fell in the mini form. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you, but otherwise thanks, guys, for watching. And, uh, 08:07:332025-01-06 18:57:41FabriCAM Software P22 Advanced L Shape with Chamfer (Part 7) Step by Step Video Tutorial