Hi there, guys. In today's video, we're gonna be looking at how to duplicate a colour and also exporting it. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. We make short and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. It was back to the programme. Yeah. Now, uh, let's just quickly switch this to all channels. So now we've in the previous video looked at converting this to a r GB. I mean AC Y k from r GB. Now let's look at doubling up colours. So let's say perhaps our Cyan Channel is only printing off. It could be any of these, but, um, let's go yellow. I like the yellow. So let's say our yellow is only printing half of it. So now what we wanna do is adjust our yellow levels so that we can get twice as much. But just so we can see the difference, I'm gonna go here to object. I'm gonna make a duplicate of this background just for reference. You don't have to do this step. I'm just gonna go right click duplicate and then work on this all. It's minus the top one. I'm gonna work on the bottom one. Now we're gonna do with my image selected. I wanna go on top to adjust. Let's fix the zoom. So we're gonna go to adjust, and then what we wanna do is we wanna navigate till we find our channel, Um, Channel Mixer. So I'm gonna click this and it's gonna pop up our channel mixer. Now, if it adjust it like this, that means we've already set something. So I'm gonna click reset so we can adjust our blacks back, and then we want to adjust that. So now the important thing is we want to make sure our colour mode is set to C. M. Y K. So we can nicely adjust the colour that's missing in our case. The yellow then from the Output Channel. We wanna set this, then to yellow. So this is will be the channel you'll be adjusting, um, more or less. So now what's gonna be happening is if it is, um, only output half, So it's gonna probably be output about 50. Then what you can do is you can pump it up to, Let's say about 1 50 then it should be twice as much If it's still washed out, you can try to push it all the way to 200. But, um, 1 50 should be correct because it is only printing half of it. So we obviously want to be adding another half to over enhance it and we can say OK and then our output will be now looking quite funky in our actual programme. But if I put the eye back on this previous one we made a duplicate of you can see this is kind of what the result you should be getting when you're printing. Even though it looks like this in the programme like I mentioned, if your yellow is still under, you can try to push it up a little bit more. But in general, this formula should work. Well, then, the last step you want to do is you wanna go file, then we wanna go export. So from our main menu on top, we go file and then we go export. Then select the um location you want and the image name says call this, uh, double up colour then you can select your format. I'm just gonna keep my JP because I like it for the C M Y k feature. It's gonna say they're gonna merge everything I'm just gonna say, Ok, then let's just make sure this one's over yellowed as well, because we might have to delete a top layer and yeah, it looks the same. So this is all fine. And then from the settings, you can leave everything default unless you know what you're doing. I just like to set my colour mode over the year to C M Y k as well instead of r GB. So it's got all the right colour information, and then you can simply say OK, and it will export that image with the enhanced colour, which is convenient. So yeah, just a recap of this. So we basically wanna take our image, go to effects, and then I'm sorry, um, adjustment and we wanna go to Channel Mixer, choose C m. Y k. Then the channel. We wanna double it up on and then add another 50 or so just to make sure it doubles the colour. Yeah, otherwise thanks, guys, for joining me on this mini series. The Meanwhile, though, if we head here to softwaretraining.co.za. You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover and you can also isolate your search on the top. Right? But if you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah, request the training video, fill in the mini form and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.
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