VinylCut 5 Symmetrical Mirror Feature Fixing Asymmetry designs, Step by Step Video
vinylcut symmetrical mirror feature
The Symmetrical Mirror function creates a new symmetrical shape of the original selected design.
For example, when tracing symmetrical images, the resulting trace may not appear perfectly symmetrical, which can then appear unbalanced.
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How are you guys? In today's video? We'll be looking at the symmetrical mirror feature. Let's have a quick intro here. So today's video can be found on Today you guys will notice We've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover and also where blood daily. So just keep an eye there for any new content. Otherwise, we're back in the programme. Yeah. Now, Yeah, this feature is brilliant, Andy, let's say you're creating or you've drawn some form of shape. You scanned it in and you trace the image or you just trade some image of, uh, Internet and what you wanted to be symmetrical. The final cut. Uh, so what we can do is we cancel here. We can also, uh, select our shape. Let's say you can see this hard. It's not quite symmetrical. The one side is a bit lopsided. That happens a lot when you're trying to draw something. So much for just tracing an image of something. Now. Like I said, I mentioned that you can select the shape that we're clicking on it, or you can drag selection box over it. Make sure the selection box covers all the edges, otherwise we won't select it. And then you can also just keep shifting, and then you can just select a portion of it. Then it will actually select the shape. Or you can go in your layers panel here on the right and just click on the heart. Then, to locate the effect, we want to go to our top menu to effect. Then you navigate down until you find a symmetrical mirror. So once you've opened, this will be met with this little pop up menu. Now, uh, first of those settings is the mirror, and this is what it's gonna mirror left to right this moment as a default, Then you can go right to left. So if you like the shape of the right side of the heart mall, then we also have top to bottom, and then we've got bottom to top. So let's just stick to the default for now. And then next up here, we've got sent to X, and why? So this, uh, spending a year you can adjust it. If we look here at the bottom, you can see whether the actual centre of the line just so you can just in that way or what you can do, go like it also works the same for why, If you're going from top to bottom of the bottom to the top and a more simple way you can do it is you just them click on this black line and you drag it so you can really find. So if you're not sure, you can always zoom in and then just drag this until we find that centre point consume pouch. Then you go update preview, and then you can see Okay. Well, yeah, We've got a nice, symmetrical shape now. Well, just and then, uh, we all say, if you want to add a cut line to the centre and stuff like that, you can add centre line here. And if we click OK, then you will notice it's replaced our previous shape worth the new symmetrical one. So we're going to bring preview here. We can see there is a new shape, but under that is the centre line. As also, we got a preview. Now you will see the centre cut is gone. So if you do add that feature at centre line, just give your mind. It's just another layer with a cut line on the centre. So if you need that for your design, then another fancy feature that you can use this fall So you've got, like, a weird shape, like some flowing shape or something like that. But you wanna create into a better and once again we go again to effects. We got some metrical mirror. I mean, what you can do, Let's keep it on left to right to update the previously what it looks like. Maybe we can adjust this a bit more. Someone like Yeah, Then you can say Okay. And now you select the same shape. Go to a fix, we go symmetrical mirror again. Now, this time we select something like top to bottom. We can adjust this. Let's go up the preview. You can see we can create quite unique shapes now, just based off one shape that we had. If you like it, it's like Okay. And then here we have a very unique design. So it's a nice tool to use to make new designs. It's quite right, um, unique. Otherwise, that's the basics. On a symmetrical mirror. If you guys navigate to final cut see, uh, the programme is freely available. They're just, uh, navigate to the downloads patch. Otherwise, on hat you guys can find this video and more like it. Also, like I mentioned, we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And also, if you want isolated search as a search bar on top on the right, Then if you don't find what you're looking for, Jessica, request a training video, and then we will make that for you. Otherwise, thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.