VinylCut 5 Software Making Unique Frames (Part 3) Making Border Frames Mini-Series

vinylcut making unique frames
We’ve covered the Unique base shape, and then the frame Decor, now let’s combine them for a final result.
This is by no doubt one of the most important part of the whole process, as without this step all we have are shapes and no border frame.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Previous video covered the Decorative part of the design.
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Video Transcript
How do you guys in today's video final cut we're gonna have a continuation on. They're creating a unique border frame and looking at some final variations. But before that, let's have a quick intro First, uh, so today's video Can we find a with 00 you guys will notice. We do have a variety of different substance we cover, and also we upload training videos daily. So just keep an eye there for the new content. But otherwise, let's get back into the programme and, uh, look at some different relations. We can do so Just a reminder. There's a miniseries on creating unique border frames. The first one we covered the base shape that create a unique shape. A second video was on creating some decoration. Today, we're gonna look at some few options or things we can do for a final result. So spray, uh, first of what you could consider. And she's just selected to shapes in your layers panel keeping shifting or dragging a selection box over them in your view port. Then we go to the Styles panel and click Wild Wild. Now, if we go to preview, we will notice that it is joined it into one shape. So it's gonna have this weird swirling thing at the end. Now, a lot of these variations obviously keep in mind your unique decoration you put on, We'll give you a different approach you might want to take. But you might also leave it a certain way, Um, depending on your design requirements. So another way we can always do is we remove the decoration. Like I mentioned, we've got a very simple and clean border. And then another way we can do that is we hide the actual unique shape. Then you can take, um, this border we selected, and then you can maybe change just the colour to the right colour. How to make the sense what it was Then. You have a unique frame like this border frame. That's also another approach, and then, alternatively as well. But this one is quite tricky. If your your decoration is not the prettiest, then what you can do is you selected decoration and you keep shifting. Select the back, um, as well, without moving it. And then let's just do that again. Just make sure we have selected, then you wanna What you can do is we go to path on the main menu and then we want to go back minus front. So what this will do is so it will keep the back to remove the front, which we can see at the moment without declaration. Layer is in front, so if you click this then it will actually make a cut out of the back layer. But like I said, this one can look good if your decoration looks good and it complements the shape. But in a case like this, I would rather not do it as you would create quite a nightmare for your final if it is a final card. So in a case like this, I would say either go with just joining the two wilding them or merging them because I just change colours. You can see that that is, you know, that's called plausible. What you do is remove it, which to me also looks good or you just keep just the front. Otherwise, that concludes the little mini serious. If we head here too, why not? The programme is freely available. Yeah, just head to the downloads package. Otherwise, under y. Like I mentioned in the intro video, we have a variety of different Softwares cover. And then, um also, if you don't want to manually go through the list to find the video looking for, you can isolate it by going to the search option. Tell me what you're looking for. I need a little magnifying glass. But then if you still run dry and then find you're looking for you can always just request a training video here. And then we will make that video for you. Otherwise, thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.