VinylCut 5 the Simplify Path Feature to Simplify a Vector Shape, Step by Step Video
vinylcut simplify path feature
Simplify Path is used to reduce the number of points required to represent a vector-encoded shape.
The operation can be used on Line or shape path layers and removes nodes based upon a proximity value in each shape or lines node in respect to its nearest neighbor.
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How are you guys in today's video Final Cut will be looking at the simplify paths feature. Let's just have a quick intro. Yeah, mhm. Mm. So today's video can be found on Today, guys will notice We've got a variety of different software to recover, and we do our blood videos daily, So just keep your eye there for any new content. Otherwise, if we had back in the programme yet now simplify paths. Feature is quite an anything if you have quite a complex design and you just want to simplify the graphics or the shape a bit. So then let's take over details, and what we can do is let's, uh, select it, then to locate it. We're going. There's two ways we can do it. We either go to top your path. Then we navigate down to simplify what we do. Is we right? Click. After we have the object selected, we right click it and then we go to path. And then once again, we go down to simplify. Now, once we have the selected, we have the simplify pop up box just scales a bit bigger so you guys can nicely see what's happening now On top. You under the settings, we've got the threshold. This will control the amount of, uh mm uh, path that parts it adds or reduces. So the lower the number, the more parts it adds. So you can actually add more paths, which it's not quite what you wanna do. If you're going to simplify, feature any case. What you do is if you take this number higher too all the way up to 100 then you will reduce the parts. Now we have this option here which says, show nodes, we put this off, then you can just see the graphics. So this is a great way if you have this off to just see if your shape still looks, at least represents the previous one. But then when you grab your notes on, you can actually see the amount of bath. So we'll do both. Just You guys can see then under that, we have the input and output. Now, as you can see here, we've got by input. We've got the amount of nodes. So this is the current, um, light bulb. How many notes got on the right here? The output how many that will have. So let's increase as well so extreme to 100. Then Make sure you click the preview button at the bottom here. Now it's all updated. Now we can see we're eating 475 notes versus 1000 449. So we're nearly 1000 down here. And then, um uh, So now if we look at this too, it is really not that bad. So now if we hide the notes you can see does it So represent your image and yeah, to me, it still looks pretty good. And then what you can do? Okay, let's do that again without exiting yet. So we've got a preview. Okay, Now we have another graphics, your simplified, and it looks very similar, but it is way smaller in the sense of amount of note. So, yeah, that's the basics on the note. Simplify paths feature, and then otherwise, we just head to our website. You guys never get to t Seattle's EA. You guys can find this video and more like it. As you can see here. Like I mentioned, we've got a variety of different Softwares. You discover. And also, you can isolate your search here. If you look for something specific, otherwise we don't find what you're looking for. We also have a nice, low Fiji called requested training video. And if you do that, then we'll make the video for you. Otherwise, thanks, guys, for watching and cheers. Mm.