TruCUT RDWorks (2nd Part) Prepping Images in Gimp (PART 5) Cut and Engrave Mini-Series
rdworks prepping images gimp
The process of prepping images in Gimp, you will notice that it is very similar the Photoshop one.
The main things that will vary in the process of prepping images in the two programs, is mostly the transform layers and the general location of items.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers EP – Importing the Image.
Previous video covered EP – Within Gimp.
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Video Transcript
Uh, hey, guys, this is part two of how to prep the image for engraving using a free programme called Gimp. But before that, let's have a quick intro first, so today's video can be found on We make sure we need to touch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise, back in the programme here now, just a quick reminder. This is a miniseries on the engraving prep or in prepping our images for engraving, intricate hardy works. So we'll be looking at We've been looking at two different tools to get the most of the process done, and that is Photoshop and gimp. So now we're gonna be carrying on in gimp. We've got everything set up here are layers and are transparent layer for painting out any unwanted black. So now, with our paintbrush tool selected, just remember, we can use their razor to also to re erase if we made a mistake. So we've got the colour white, and now you can adjust your size of your brackets closing, opening, closing or at the bottom of years you can see we've got size also adjusted their annual brush type. So I'm just gonna sit my little bigger, start painting out here and like, before this process can take a bit of a while saying that this is really what's gonna clean up your image. So I'm just gonna pause, carry on, and then we can take it from there. Okay? Now that you're back, we're all done here. Once again, you can zoom in and refine and really clean up the image. But this will be fine for now and like before. What we wanna do is I wanna make a duplicate of this group, right? Click it in the same duplicate layer. What we're gonna do is the bottom. Here, click that duplicate button again. Then I want to set this one's mode to multiply once again just to make it a bit darker. You might not need to do that on yours, but, um yeah, something like the resulted gifts. Then what I wanna do is I'm gonna I'm gonna right click here. I'm gonna go to the bottom and say merge visible layers. So once I do that, I'm just gonna click merge. Then all is just moved into one single lane duplicate this one again duplicate layer. And this one. I'll set this mode like before in Photoshop to Linnean Light. And this will now really clean up the lines so we can see the difference even always, extra imperfections to remove some mostly. So this is a really a great way to clean up your engraving. Like I said, you could go manually by hand, touch up the outlines that sometimes looks very good in, uh, engraving as well. And then once we get to this point, we're pretty much ready to export it. So then what we wanna do is go on top of it to file and the main menu, and we navigate down till we find export as exports were exported over the original image, which I don't want to do export. As I'm going to select the Photoshop one and just change the name from engrave PS to engrave gimp, they need export. Might ask us a few options and generally settings. You just leave as it is export. And there you go. We've done now these images should be ready to be important to look at all the works and taken from there, but otherwise in the Meanwhile, we hear you hey'll see you. Those of you guys will notice. We've got a variety of different software to the cover. And also you can isolate your search on the top of right here. If you do not, however, find the videos you're looking for. Just go here, requested training, video filling the mini form. And then we will make that video for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.