All right, guys, In today's video, we're gonna be looking at part two on setting up your design for the laser cutting, and this will before true Gottardi works. But before that, let's have a quick intro offers, so today's video can be found on c 0.0. We make sure needs to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates that was back in the programme here and now just a quick reminder. This is a miniseries on the laser cutting process where we will be going through some basic process of start to finish when you want to cut something with your laser cutter. So unfortunately, not including the actual design part as it is just setting up the design, then I will also leave relevant links and description. So you guys gonna do follow along now in the last video? If you guys can remember, let's remove this arrow. We are setting up a visual language. So we were going to make black. It's going to be all the places that kind of just in graves and, uh, parade will be actual cutouts. So then we ran into this problem here at the bottom, which was the moment we have a red line going right through and the teeth. I'm just gonna cover these points. So that means we're actually gonna cut out all the teeth, which we don't want. So we have to now make the red go around the base and leave a blue line on top of these rectangles. While we added, I'm just gonna you shift with my selection button and quickly just change the colour of blue. So we don't forget to do that later. There we go. I'm gonna zoom in here by the mouth, and then what I wanna do is select or drag a selection box over all for these shapes. And then on a top extended menu here, you guys will see we've got an icon here called the lead overlap. So if we click that anywhere, I'm just gonna say Okay, leave the settings by default. We'll see the lead overlaps Two lights. Now what's gonna happen anywhere where there's two lines overlapping S and C had just removed it, so it's not square now. The trick is you have to isolate those two lines, so I'm just gonna take these quickly change the colour to red. And then we grabbed this one and I'm gonna zoom in even more now, We would normally be a bit more thorough with this method, but I'm just gonna get rough. For the sake of the length of this video, the next thing we wanna do is gonna go here to our edit node sitting. And then I'm gonna select where I want to add a new note and then click the plus no year on the actually, um, many years. So I'm gonna do that. We just quickly digital by all the intersections of the teeth and the top of the mouth. Like I said, actual tutorial, you'll be our actual job. You'll be doing way more refining. I'll do it my way of fighting. Then what I wanna do is select these and then I want to go your separate or break apart or break the curve. What this is gonna do is gonna take this one note and basically break it apart. And now try to move this. You can see it is two separate things. So let's just that back hole first move them so we can move. Uh, apologies. because I must first break these ones also apart and then sing with this one break apart. Now, I actually did not have to move. This one could simply just select the other ones and change the colours. And now I want to select this line and the one next to it, and then change these ones to black. So now, as you guys can see, it's shoot, in essence, make a cut out right around and then do a slight engraving on top of it. And let's just do this out tube face. In the next video, we're gonna be looking at setting up the actual colours. How are they going to behave to the cutting? But yeah, there will be a video of its own. Otherwise, we're headed here to You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares will recover, and also you can isolate your surgery on the top of right. If you do not, however, find the videos you're looking for Jessica, your request? A training video. Then we will make that video for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers 17:08:582024-08-24 23:20:33TruCUT RDWorks (2nd Part) of Designs Visual Language (Part 2) Laser Cut Process Mini-Series