Covering the Selection Section Part Two the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 2)
flexiprint selection section part
Now that we have looked at your standard selection options in section one of this mini-series, let have a look at what is next.
In this next part we will be covering some more unique selection options that was not covered in part one.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Previous video covered Section 1.
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Video Transcript
Alright, guys, In today's video, we're gonna be looking at the selection Section two with in flexi print. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on co dot Z A. We make short and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Now, if we get into the programme here. So like I mentioned in the intro, it's gonna be our second section to the selection, uh, mini series. And then now we're gonna go into a little bit more advanced options, But, uh, it's pretty simple to use. So, uh, the previous video we looked at, the more standard ways that we make selections, box selections and so forth. Now we're gonna be looking at some of the other attributes under our selection options. So, as you can see here, we've got quite a range of different things. We've got text. We've got, uh, circles, spheres, ellipses. We've got, uh, rectangle, got some path tools, and then we also have different colours. We've got some strokes, some without strokes. So let's look at the first option. Which, uh, if we had to go right, click on any shape or any, uh, object. Then you will see we have the selection tool at the bottom. If we had to, right, click on the white space. You will see it's not there. So just keep that in mind. So select whatever you wanna select similar or whatever of we select that shape. We right, click when you go to select and you see, we've got these two at the bottom. So top one is select similar objects which in this case, if it had to be a rectangle, it will only stay this. So just keep that in mind. So let's take the circle. Perhaps we got right click select Select similar objects. Now you can see both, uh, circles are selected, so this can save you a lot of time, depending on the type of design. Now, same with the text. If we had to go right, click. Select. Select some of the objects you'll see, but the text is selected. But you might have noticed that the top text is not selected, and that is because that is actually a path. It's designed with a certain text and then convert it to a path. So if I select this path, go select or right click Select Select Similar Path. Now you'll see our actual logo AM dot TL zero logo is selected, so keep that in mind then the next option we have is the select by colour. So let's say I wanna select everything of a similar colour. I can select the shape right click, select and then we go to select similar colour. And then it will obviously do just that. And then anything that's got that same colour on it will select it. And that's very handy. Like in this scenario, you can see, uh, we've got a lot of things between other things. So this is a quick way of just quickly making a selection without having to select and deselect shapes and so forth. Now, obviously, we have one more. If you add to right click here, you will not find it. Then that is select by attribute. So in order to find that what we wanna do is go to our main menu on top, go to edit, and then we go down to select and then under select, you will see here select by attributes and the short of that D. So let's try that. I'm gonna D open it. Put it here on the side and you can see we have a few different options to look at on top here. We've got some tabs. Object, full stroke effect, then, uh, show. Uh, we've got some options there, but I mean, in general, these ones just leave them a default. And under here, we've got some shapes, so you can see we can select everything by the same shape oval. So it's pretty much what we did before, But now you can see we also have paths. So anything with a path, let's say we grab this. Say, OK then only the shapes with a path. Will it select? I mean, we've covered that. That's not actually what I want to show. I want to show you the stroke, and then we go here to the third tab. You can choose here, the black stroke, say OK. And now only the things where the actual stroke is selected. So that's the beauty of this tool. It can go kind of behind just to select by object or, um, colour. And you can also you can see we've got groups here. We've got stuff at compound. And then, like I said, we're gonna do the full fill type, which is almost like just selecting what colour, But, uh, yeah, but the beauty is we have a stroke and then we can sort of isolating. We've got effects and so forth. So this one, definitely You need to play around with a bit, but it's pretty easy to understand. It is just to remember it is there So just D on your keyboard very easy to get Oh, you go it select select by attributes. And I will open that for you. But yeah, otherwise that is it. On our second section in the meanwhile, though, if we head here to co dot Z a you guys will notice We've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search here on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go here, request the training video, fill in the mini form and then we'll do our basic. I make that for you, but otherwise thanks guys, for watching and cheers