The Secondary Toolbars Path Tool within the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 3)

flexiprint path tool
Next up on the Secondary Toolbars tool list we will be looking at the Path Tool.
The Path Tool is a great way to create custom designs or shapes while having a lot of control left afterwards for changes.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Freehand Drawing.
Previous video covered Text Tools.
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Video Transcript
Alright, guys, In today's video, we're gonna be looking at flexi prints Path tool. This will be the one located under the secondary toolbar. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on co dot Z A. We make sure and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Now if we into the programme here now, just a quick reminder. This is a mini series on the secondary toolbar. So some of these tools we're not gonna go into too much depth. But we will have another mini series that covers more in depth just so we don't make this actual mini series too long. So today's tool we're gonna be looking at is the path tool. So right under the text tool, you have to hover on it. You'll see it says the busier path tool, and you have. If we left click, you'll see we have two options under there. So the first one is a path tool, and the second one is a free and drawing tool, which we won't be covering right away. We'll be just looking at the first one now. If you wanna do any complex designs? You We're gonna wanna end up using this tool as it allows you to create a V variation of different. How can I say, uh, control points to edit those shapes. Now, when it comes to the actual PA tool, there's a few variations and different ways we can go about it. So I'm just gonna run through the basics, so you get an idea of what you can use it for. So the first one we have is to basically create straight lines. So if I left click on one point and then I left click on another point, it will create us a line between those two points. It's just a basic mathematical equation, as is most vector design. So it's all of them. So then this is our first one. We have straight lines. You can also see here on our design central that at the moment it's showing a straight line. Then the next one we have here is the actual busier curve. So this will be just a curved line. So if I had to left click on one point, we had to undo that. Let's go. Uh, I'm gonna select our selection tool so it solidifies that path. For now, go to the actual, uh, busier curve again. Then I'm gonna left click one point, then in the middle here, I'm gonna left click with my mo left mouse button and hold and drag. As you can see, it creates a nice curve control point here. Now, don't worry all of these things you can change afterwards. So, uh, if it's not 100% accurate to the way you like it, you can modify it. Then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click here at the end and left, click and drag again and just complete that curve like so. Then I'm gonna select my selection tool again. And there we go. So this is the straight line. Then we have a curved path. And these two, if you combine them, you can make quite an interesting outcome like you can in many ways, combine Let's say, a form of circular shape with a rectangle and so forth. It's really is the endless amount of possibilities with just these two controllers. Now, another point, uh, point mentioning or worth mentioning is if we had to make Let's say I'm just gonna use a straight line. Doesn't matter, can be curve as well. And let's say I did something wrong. As you can see, I'm getting my stuff not accurate. Then I can simply just control Z, and it will undo the steps I wanna undo until I'm happy with it. Then we can go like and, uh can undo and redo, so that is very handy. So while you're designing, you don't have to restart from the beginning. Now that comes to our second major point. So we our first point, was the straight line of curve tools. Now, the next one is open shapes and closed shapes. So if I've made this actual path and then, um, I saw a new one, I can just demonstrate it better. So let's grab that same thing. I'm just gonna keep all of them straight shaped. It doesn't matter, but or straight line. So I'm gonna create a little cub here or rectangle. Then if I had to hover just off, I'm gonna zoom in so you guys can see this. So if I had to Harvey it to this point, You see, I get a cross there or a cursor with a little circle. Now that's a very important one that if I had to click or create a closed path and as you can see it closed it, and it put us a full inside so we can see that it is closed. I've had to do the same thing, and then, um and I don't get that circle icon. It will just stay an open path. So if you wanna actually make shapes with body inside, this is the way you wanna do it. You wanna make sure the icon appears with a little circle, then it will close a path. Otherwise, this will just create an open path for you. So it is handy to know the difference. Because sometimes you want an open path. You don't actually wanna close the path. Or if you're doing these type of lines, most of the times it's open path. But if you need a closed path, you do need one, and then you must know how to do it. But yeah, otherwise that is it on the path tool, at least the basics. So we've got straight lines, curved lines just as a recap, and then We've got open shapes and or close shapes, you can say and open shapes, which means the paths are not closed. But yeah, otherwise, in the meanwhile, if you head here to co dot Z a. You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go here, request the training video, fill in the uniform, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys for watching and cheers.