The Tool Preferences Part Two within the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 7)
flexiprint tool preferences
Now when it comes to the Tool Preferences, we are able to set how these tools will behave by default.
This video is part of a Mini-Series that covers the Preferences for FlexiPRINT.
Previous video covered Tools – Part 1.
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Video Transcript
Hi there, guys. In today's video, we're gonna be looking at our tour preferences, part two. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on co dot Z A. We make short and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Now, if we head back into the programme here, so I'm just gonna head to the preferences and then we can carry on with our tools. Previously, we looked at some spell checking cloud, uh, P black tutorial, metre paste. Now we're gonna be heading to the next. So the first one from our, uh, next list here, you can say, is the rip and print. Now there's a few settings under here which we can look at. So the first one is the way it communicates with the pro production manager. So this is pure purely for the rip and print and production manager communication. So at the moment, it is said to connect local production manager using TCP/IP. You can just leave that in because, uh, this is working with the local, but just keeping in mind some anti Softwares, um, Sof antivirus Softwares. They uh, can prevent the communication so you might just have to allow things. Then, when it comes to our next setting here, this is when colour settings are different. In other words, um, uh, you have the communication between your rip and print and production manager, and they have individual settings. So by default, the top one selected, which is prompt for which one to use. So if you change something on the production manager, it is gonna prompt you to ask which one you wanna use or like vice versa. If you change something in Europe and print, then it will give you a prompt to ask you which I kind of like because, um, you still have the choice where, if you know, you only wanna use one from, uh, one of these two, then you can always select either Always keep a rip and print settings or, you say, always use production manager settings. So this is where you can set the defaults for that which is handy and at the bottom. Here. We've got launch 32 bit version of Lexi, print the name, but pretty much what it comes down to is if, uh, some older printers. They require a 32 bit version of the production manager to run. So then what you can do is if you click this, then it will run a 32 bit version instead of the 64 bit version. So, um, and a little feature, if you're working with a rip and print with the production manager and you want to set up some defaults OK, then next up on our list here, we've got the select tool. Now, we've got two options here. We've got the top one, which is, um, by fully enclosed. And we've got by touching. And this is very handy for your actual, um, like, let's say you've got a few shapes here, then the two options the one will be. If this blue box just touches these shapes, it will be selected the other one again. You have to fully enclose it and select it. That one can be a bit tricky because sometimes if it's not properly overlapping, you select, they'll only select this one, not the left one as well, which can be a bit tricky and confusing. So I, um, that's one of those places where I like to have it on the default, which is whichever it touches. The other one has its benefits. But, um, for the workflow I'm used to I prefer it on by touching. Then we've got show fills. What this is gonna do is gonna show, uh, kind of, um, like when you've got your show full speech enable it's gonna show you different options. So the one is show layer colour. So then, instead of the colour and colour your fill is it's gonna show it based off what? The layer colour is under your, um, design editor and stuff like that. Then we've got a show full. Let me show you guys you get an idea. So in other words, we've got these ones. They change the colour of one. Then under our design editor here, we've got our page colour and so forth, which we can choose at that or we can choose it. The actual full colour That was those two first top options. And then the last one is we We can actually see the Let me find it again. Sha Falls. We can see the path, direction. So what this is gonna do? It's gonna obviously show us once we go into the mode which I'll show you now where it is. So if we had to go on here to our view, let's fix our zoom view And then we got show fs to show us pest control here. If I go show fills, you can see now it is showing two different colours here on top. So green is one way that it's gonna be cutting or printing or whatever you're doing. Should I say printing? And then, uh, purple will be in the opposite direction. So that will be your show fulls. So I would say, by default, just you can always leave it on. The actual show fills the middle setting, which is, um, yeah, the default got show grid, but this will do. I think we've covered in a previous video before, but this is pretty much gonna Instead of showing a grid, it's gonna show dots. So if the grid is too, uh, confusing, you can always set this to dots, which, uh, can also be handy. Then we've got a text tool. So this is how your text tool is gonna behave to your font size. So whether it's use font height or based on height of now we can go into depth of this. But, um yeah, I would say if you if you have to, you can play with this, but by default, I like the default setting. This one can be handy, though. So we've got your with tracking word spacing. You can either do the percentage or by actual size. So if you're font is a requirement where it's like OK, it needs to be this amount of space in between then this is a good place to change this. So from percentage to size, and then we also have the option to use Chinese language kit. If you wanted to enable that, then the last one here the zoom. And this will be how your zoom tool reacts after you've clicked once. So in other words, if I had to use the zoom tool, you just put the show falls off. If I had to use the zoom tool and then I click here to zoom to the dot Z A. You'll see now how to switch it back to our selection tool. So, uh, it will not keep it on the zoom tool, which, uh, in my opinion, it is a bit of a mixed emotions. I normally like that one off, but most of the times I just use my actual, um, mouse and that to navigate the zooming, which, to me is more convenient than having to switch to a tool every time. But yeah, otherwise, that is it. On the Last Preferences Day from the actual tools tab. Pretty handy if you want to have a nice default and you're probably reacting the way you want it to, but yeah, in the meanwhile, though, if we head you to co dot Z a. You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah, request the training video, fill in the mini form, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks guys for watching and cheers