Setting the System Fonts and their Security within SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 5)
flexiprint system fonts
Next up on our list of preferences will be look at the Fonts Tab and some interesting options within it.
This video is part of a Mini-Series that covers the different settings within the Preferences.
Next video covers Tools – Part 1.
Previous video covered File Paths.
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Video Transcript
Hi there, guys. In today's video, we're gonna be looking at the font tab under the preferences, and this will be for flexi print. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on co dot Z A. We make short and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Now, if we're adding to the programme here, So if we carry on with our little mini series on the preferences, we're gonna be now looking at the font tab. So in order to go there, we're gonna go main menu edit and then preferences. And then with the preferences, we're gonna go to the third tab called Font. Now under here is a few options, but we'll be first looking at the top one and this is the path. So this is where fonts are located. But this is for flexi starter, the the In-house fonts. So don't mistake this for windows, fonts, windows, fonts will automatically load into the programme, so if you have those fonts installed, you can load it. This will just be some extra fonts. You can always look at the Euro L here copy it and paste it in your Web browser and go look at those fonts. Or what you can do also is you can now select it from your actual font. So I'm just gonna choose one from there. I think it's called Wedding. So let's go test and scale this up so you guys can see better. And then if I go to our design Central tab Yeah, type W, you can see. Yeah, we've got wedding. Um oh, sorry. Wedding Web ds. So, in any case, uh, so this is a nice way to get nice little shapes and that. So this is one of the in house fonts. You can always go through the list, look at all the unique ones. So you won't find these in other programmes. Because, um, this is being redirected into the programme files of actual flexi print, then under the preferences, we have two other settings. Let me just go to the tab, wait for it to load. OK, so now you have this one called password. So this will be in case these ones are password protected, and then you also have to add your passwords, but I think they've discontinued this. So it was only relevant for, like, flexi print 10 or so. So this one don't worry about it. And this one is if you want to make engravings and that and you wanna use fonts from, uh, fix your CAS cas mate, then you'll be using this setting. But, uh, yeah, I would also just don't worry about these two. The top one is just good to know where URL if you wanna look at the custom fonts, come with it. And then lastly, we have your restore default. So if you've actually said something which you shouldn't, you can just say restore default, and then it will go back to the default for you. But yeah, otherwise, that is at the fonts pretty straightforward. So just, uh, recap. This is not your Windows fonts. This will be, uh, fonts that come with flexi print, and that's where they are located. But yeah, otherwise, in the meanwhile, though, if we head here to co dot Z A. If you guys notice, we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search on the top or right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for. Just simply go. Yeah, request a training video, fill in the mini form, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.