Having a Look at the Blending Modes within the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 6)
flexiprint blending modes
Now when it comes to Blending Modes. this is not always a feature found within vector programs.
But that being said it is a very welcome feature, plus being able to set the Blending Modes is not the only thing we’ll be looking at today.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Previous video covered Stroke In depth.
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Video Transcript
Alright, guys, in today's video, we're gonna be looking at some blending modes for the full and strokes, and this will be done with flexi print. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. co dot Z A. We make sure and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Now if we head back into the programme here. So like I mentioned in the intro, we're gonna be looking at layer modes or blending modes today. And, uh, this can be found in the full and stroke editor. So if we go to the full and stroke editor and we navigate to the last tab, we over there, you can see it, says Transparency. You can't see the whole thing there, but when you click that it will give us two options, our blending mode and opacity. So now, in order for this to work, you need something selected and blending modes in general affect the layer under it. Or should I say, Um, yeah, it's more prominent with the layer under it. So if I had to select the screen, then when we do the blending mode. You'll see the effect happening on this orange layer where if I had to select this orange layer, you won't necessarily see it on the top layers. You might see it on the background with some modes, but in general, the way it's used is like a, um from top to bottom in the sense of the layer hierarchy. So the higher the layer, it will affect whatever's under it. So I'm gonna select this green, and I'm just gonna look at a few of these, uh, blending modes. There's a lot, so definitely play with them. But some of these do a very similar effect. So I'm just gonna cover the most important ones. So the most important, by far is normal. So this is the way a normal layer looks. So if you change it and you want it back, you must go to normal. Then we have darken, darken and multiplier will be similar and lighten and overlay will be similar. So it's just important for now, darken. So if I click this whatever behind it will go darker, depending on the value of the layer in front. So if my front layer yeah, if I had to open my colour specs. Select colour. Sorry. My, um uh, colour mixer. No, Let's try that again. Here we go. My colour mixer. I'm selecting the wrong one. If I had to select this and change it from, um R GB to SHSV. Now, if I set the value down, it should. In essence, you'll see the back layer goes darker and darker, depending on what the front one is set to. But for now, I'm just gonna keep this on what it was. So I go to make sure I'm just gonna leave this colour mixer open for now so we can play around with some other options now similar to the darken. Obviously, if we go lighter, then whatever is behind it will go lighter. It's also, um, a handy one. So imagine you've got a unique shape cut out. Then you can actually lighten up area. Or let's say if you've got a circle you can light up the top dark on the bottom. Then it looks like it's a bit more 3D and maybe some drop shadows or stuff like that, or just a normal shadow. Then another option we have here is we've got the U Now the U and colour are similar, except for the fact that, um, the colour if I just set the actual, uh, saturation down and stuff like that, it would not, uh, act the same as the U. So if I select the U Year, anything's gonna change If I go here to, uh, HSV again so you can see we've got the U Year and the U year at the bottom. So now if I had to adjust this, you'll see as I adjust it the U on the other back colour changes. So, like I say, once again, if you have a unique shape with a path tool, you can make some interesting outcomes, I. I had to just select the the actual saturation. So the intensity of colour you'll see nothing happens until we hit at the bottom here. Then it'll just remove all colour. But otherwise nothing will happen by adjust the value to the brightness. Should I say then also, nothing happens until we hit zero. Where now, if we had to change this one from U to colour now we're gonna see a few different changes. And now obviously the U will stay the same. I change it. But let's say I change the saturation now you'll see, As I change the saturation, it changes it on the back layer as well. And then likewise, As this layer becomes darker, you will change it to the new colour, trying to adjust it, which is, uh, the main difference of those two. Then we obviously have saturation, which is like the colour. But it's the only difference is this only affects the saturation, so I can throw this you around. Nothing happens. I can throw the value. Nothing happens. But as soon as I throw the saturation lower, it will lower on the object. So this is nice. If you wanna bring out little or, uh or remove two intense colours, you can always use stuff like this. Now there's multiple different ways you might wanna use it, but in general this is the most important layer types. I'm just gonna set mine back to normal and then show the last feature. Now, the last feature here is opacity. Now, for those who don't know, this will just set basically, how see through your object is so the lower I set this, the more you'll be able to see through the object until it's zero, it will be completely invisible. So this is nice. You can do, like, kind of a glass effect or you know anything in that line. Once again, I'm just gonna say this back to 100 and that is the main option. So we've got blending mode, capacity blending mode. You can affect how that layer affects layers behind it. And then, with opacity, we can set the actual transparency of that layer. But yeah, otherwise, that is it on, um, those last settings on our colour mixer. I'm sorry, our fill and stroke in the Meanwhile, though, if we head here to softwaretraining.co.za. 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