SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Snapping Objects to Guides (Part 2) Snap to Feature Mini-Series
flexistarter snap objects to guides
When it comes to the many different Snap options, the Snap to Guides is probably one of the most used Snap features.
This video is part of a Mini-Series that covers all the different ways to Snap your Objects.
Next video covers Snap to Grid.
Previous video covered Snap to Points.
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Video Transcript
Hi guys in today's video Flexes Starter, we're gonna be looking at how to snap objects and shapes two guides. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on hat Seattle Today we make sure that easy to watch problem solving videos that we have daily updates otherwise back in the programme here. Now, just to remind you this is a miniseries on snapping my snapping, my apology objects. And then, um yeah, I will leave relevant links and descriptions you guys can actually follow along. So previously we covered snapping two points and we're gonna be looking at snapping to guide now just to remind again to locate your snapping. We want to go to our main menu on top. Then we navigate down till we find Snap and then you'll see. We've got a few different options here. Now, if something is highlighted in blue, that little block on the icon profiting and see it I mean, it's enabled. If you click it again, then obviously will disabled. You can also go to show snap or sorry, snap to bar. Then what we've got then, is, um let me switch this one off. You know what I decide. Then we've got iana, right? I mean, we can have this little tube are with all those snap feature, so we don't have to go to the main menu view Snap. Every time things simply just navigate here, just help for your mouth over the icon, and then it will tell you what does. So like. I said, we're gonna be looking at snap to guides. So as you can see, we've already had this table. And also make sure your show guides are enabled as well. By Douglas off, you'll see even a page margins. Those blue lines disappear now to add guides. Um, this is like a mentioned the previous video snapping to his great if you've got, like, strict design requirements and so forth now guides is one of those ones where it's more relevant to that. So to add guys, you can go on these two little rulers. You can simply click. Hold your left mouse what's ahead and places where you want it. So you can just put like a corner one in or something. You put one at the bottom as well, and then you just use your measuring tools to make sure everything is aligned or right measurement you guys, and then you can scale or put shapes in that according to the right size. Keeping in mind that this unfortunate, it's not really work with just your mouse when you select object and move it to it. As you see, it's kind of trying to snap it, too. I'm not sure if the centre or not, but what normally works as I use these control points escape. So now, with all of that enable to our snapped guides and you can see our guides click on those points and we can simply just scale. And once it gets close, you'll see it snaps. That doesn't matter to those kites. So now if you set up your guides properly, it will snap it within their. So if we wanted it in here, can we scale it? I'd say my body's a bit same way scale and then skills top one as well. He can easily have a, um, like the exact measurements and then snapped this just to that. So that way you know that objects exactly the right shape that is required and you can lay out most of your age with these guides. And then afterwards, when you want to see it without guides, you can always just click on that little I. And then you can look at your overall design and then, as you will notice, them also will not snap to any guides because they are it's able to Yeah. So otherwise that is it. On snapping two guides. This is one of those features I use quite often, actually. So it is a from all the snapping features. That's definitely what I use, um, or you're abusing more often others. Yeah, at least in my opinion. So otherwise, Yeah, that is a nonstandard guides. Um, in the next video, we'll be looking at how to snap things to the grid, but yeah, that will be in our next video. Otherwise, we head here to with you guys don't notice when we have a variety of different Softwares, we do cover, and you can also isolate just search on the table, right? If you, however, do not find what you're looking for, you can request a training video filling the uniform, and then we will make that video for you. Otherwise, thanks, guys, for watching and cheers